Breast Augmentation

The ever-popular Mommy Makeover addresses the three main areas in which loose skin is seen after one or more pregnancies. The tummy tuck is the major show piece of the Mommy Makeover, but very often stretched out, breasts also need some skin resection to make them perky again, and stretched out vaginal internal labial tissue, can be corrected by the excellent and versatile wedge technique. What Is Accomplished With A Tummy Tuck? The tummy tuck normally consists...

Plastic surgeons are finding it increasingly easier to accommodate the goals of each of their breast augmentation patients because of the increase in options available. Every single patient has a particular aesthetic goal in mind when they choose their breast augmentation. Additionally, each doctor seeks the type of procedure that will best suit the desired outcome while being safe and viable at the same time. It remains a fact that women are choosing to have breast...

Perhaps you have been considering breast augmentation surgery. If so, more than likely you’ve been communicating with friends about it to get advice, feedback, and recommendations. And, to be sure, it is entirely possible that those people are only spreading rumors and stories that they have heard through the grapevine. The truth is, you’ve more than likely listened to a lot of falsehoods. Let’s attempt to clear those up and make you comfortable and educated...

When anyone mentions breast augmentation surgery, most times people assume that it is being performed to enlarge their breast size. And, even though that is one of the reasons women get breast augmentation, it is not the only reason. In actuality. There many reasons why a woman would choose to have breast augmentation with breast enlargement being only one of them. Conditions Requiring Breast Augmentation There are conditions of the breasts that may exist that a woman...

A decision to have breast augmentation surgery is a very personal one. Different strokes for different folks describes it. Many women are unhappy with the size of their breasts alone, while others do not like the shape or fullness of their breasts. Whatever the reason, any and all of these issues can be addressed and ultimately solved. Customizing your breast augmentation and knowing the different options available to you is essential in obtaining ultimate results. Silicone...

When a woman is contemplating getting breast implants, they, of course, have many questions that need to be answered. One very common problem that women have is if it is at all common for silicone breast implants to rupture. Of course, this is never part of the plan, but yes, silicone breast implants have been known to rupture, however, is not commonplace. When a separation does occur, it is more than likely due to fatigue. Breast...

Generally speaking, stretch marks occurring after breast augmentation surgery is not a concern a physician usually has. They tend to be extremely unlikely to occur after the procedure. There are a few things he will assess the patient to see if, in fact, a concern for stretch marks is a risk factor for you in particular. Heredity and Breast Augmentation Stretch marks, in most cases, seem to have genetic factors attached to them. In people who have the...

We are a society of people who don't like to wait for things, and getting a breast augmentation could very well be one of those things. Many times we think about doing a particular thing, consider options, mull it over, and then suddenly, we are ready to roll and get whatever it is done immediately. So often breast augmentation falls into this category, because, quite frankly, there is a lot to consider. However, paying for the...

You’ve likely been looking in the mirror, and all you see is mommy makeover, breast augmentation, or a tummy tuck. If you have decided that your family is complete, and you find yourself discouraged with your body, why not consider what millions of women do every year - A mommy makeover! Included In A Mommy Makeover Surgery The surgery called a mommy makeover is a combination of surgical procedures that are targeted to solve your particular concerns....

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, you will be making a few decisions in regards to the size, shape, insertion site. And you also will have to decide the material that will fill your implants. Two types of implants available in the U.S. and those are saline and silicone. Each has an outer shell that is made of silicone, but the difference is one contains saline, which is mostly sterile salt water. Silicone implants are...