There’s still time for emsculpt before summer

Emsculpt before summer | Dr. Shaun Parson

There’s still time for emsculpt before summer

Did your New Year’s resolution to hit the gym take a backseat? No worries – at Parson Skin Center, we’ve got Emsculpt to help you swiftly build a strong foundation for toning and sculpting your muscles or taking your current fitness to the next level. Emsculpt requires a series of sessions spaced one month apart, usually ranging from 4 to 6 sessions depending on the target site. If you start now, you’ll undoubtedly showcase a more sculpted physique just in time for swimsuit season. Remember, Emsculpt complements a healthy lifestyle; it’s an addition, not a replacement.

So, how does it work? A favorite among celebrities, Emsculpt is backed by science and logic. It’s a non-invasive treatment where pads are applied to targeted muscles, inducing 20,000 supramaximal contractions in just 30 minutes. This contraction mirrors what you achieve with exercises like bicep curls or lunges. The key differences are that the machine does the work, the contractions are flawless and rapid, there’s no risk of injury, and you can precisely target specific muscles. Emsculpt is the only method that truly isolates muscles for customized results.

Preparing for Emsculpt

Emsculpt requires virtually no prep work or downtime. Simply show up to your appointment and relax. The sensation may feel a bit peculiar initially, but it’s not painful or uncomfortable. Many clients livestream the treatment or use the time to catch up on emails or shows. You can even book back-to-back appointments for multiple areas like abs and booty, taking just one hour combined.

Expect some muscle soreness in the days following your treatment, akin to delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To minimize soreness, sip on BCAA-infused water before, during, and after your session.

Post Emsculpt

Don’t anticipate washboard abs immediately after your treatment – building muscle takes time. Just like with traditional workouts, your muscles need time to recover and grow. The tiny tears induced by Emsculpt create a beneficial type of scar tissue, and your body needs time to form it. Your muscles also need a boost, so bring a protein-heavy snack, like a protein bar, to consume after your session, aiming for 20 – 30 grams of protein to aid recovery.

Results start becoming visible about one month after the first session, with full results within two months of the last cycle. Many clients opt for maintenance sessions every six months to sustain their results. Whether you’re kickstarting a new workout routine or breaking through a plateau, Emsculpt can assist and is suitable for nearly all adults. To learn more or schedule a consultation or appointment, contact us today. Call Parson Skin Center or complete the online contact form. Your path to enhanced muscle tone awaits!