Author: chelsea

Feeling self-assured about your face and body contributes significantly to your confidence and a youthful appearance. For many individuals, both women and men, opting for plastic surgery or cosmetic treatments serves as a fulfilling path to achieve the desired natural and beautiful results. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports a continuous surge in the popularity of plastic surgery, with nearly 18 million surgical procedures performed annually in the U.S. This trend extends beyond women, as...

Undoubtedly, rhinoplasty, colloquially known as a "nose job," has secured its place as one of the most sought-after plastic surgery procedures. Beyond the realm of aesthetics, this surgical intervention aims to alter the size and shape of the nose, addressing both visible and concealed concerns. Aesthetic and Functional Enhancements in Modern Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty has evolved beyond its cosmetic roots, often incorporating structural corrections to enhance breathing. The prevalent connection between breathing difficulties and septum issues, whether congenital or...

Morpheus8, a minimally invasive Subdermal Adipose Remodeling Device (SARD), employs radiofrequency microneedling to enhance skin tightness and overall appearance. Its versatility extends to various body areas, including the face, neck, stomach, thighs, and arms, effectively addressing excess fat or loose skin. Immediate results manifest as tighter skin with reduced wrinkles and cellulite post-treatment, progressively improving as collagen production continues. Due to its minimally invasive nature, Morpheus8 entails minimal downtime for recovery. What Is Morpheus 8? Morpheus8 stands as...

In recent times, the landscape of skincare has undergone a significant transformation with notable advancements in medical technology. Laser therapy, a particularly popular innovation in the realm of medical spas, has become a focal point, especially concerning skin resurfacing. This detailed examination delves into the nuances of laser therapy, shedding light on its applications, advantages, and key considerations. Insight into Laser Therapy Laser therapy, an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, employs concentrated light...

Opting for a tummy tuck also referred to as an abdominoplasty, entails a significant investment of both time and money. Yet, the returns in terms of enhancing your looks and self-esteem through this procedure are invaluable. Wondering about the cost of a tummy tuck and its worth? Explore the five factors influencing these considerations below. Full or Mini Tummy Tuck: What are the cost implications? The extent and complexity of your tummy tuck dictate the final price....

For many individuals who have undergone breast augmentation, the decision to have explant surgery marks a significant chapter in their journey. Explant surgery, or breast implant removal, can be a liberating choice that allows individuals to reclaim their natural selves. In this blog, we'll delve into the reasons behind why some women are opting for explant surgery, the procedure itself, and why many claim the empowering transformations it can bring. Understanding Explant Surgery: Explant surgery involves the...

In the realm of advanced skincare, the combination of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and ResurFX has emerged as a dynamic duo, offering a comprehensive approach to skin rejuvenation. This powerful combination addresses a myriad of skin concerns, from sun damage and pigmentation issues to fine lines and wrinkles. In this blog, we'll explore the individual benefits of IPL and ResurFX and unveil the transformative synergy they create when used together. Understanding IPL (Intense Pulsed Light): IPL is...

Did your New Year's resolution to hit the gym take a backseat? No worries – at Parson Skin Center, we've got Emsculpt to help you swiftly build a strong foundation for toning and sculpting your muscles or taking your current fitness to the next level. Emsculpt requires a series of sessions spaced one month apart, usually ranging from 4 to 6 sessions depending on the target site. If you start now, you'll undoubtedly showcase a...

Optimizing results often involves combining treatments, and the partnership between ResurFX laser treatment and microneedling is truly enchanting. Parson Skin Center proudly offers both, and while each treatment alone delivers impressive outcomes, their synergy creates an unstoppable transformation. Let's delve into the unique attributes of ResurFX and microneedling and how their combination can elevate your skin to new heights. ResurFX: The Genuine Fractional Non-Ablative Laser ResurFX, crafted by Lumenis, stands out as the sole genuine fractional non-ablative...

As the years pass, many individuals seek ways to rejuvenate their appearance and regain the youthful volume that tends to diminish over time. Enter Voluma XC, a revolutionary facial filler designed to restore plumpness to the cheeks, providing a natural and lasting lift. In this blog, we'll explore the wonders of Voluma XC and how it can be the key to achieving youthful and voluminous cheeks. Understanding Voluma XC: Voluma XC is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler,...