resfurfx + microneedling | Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery


Optimizing results often involves combining treatments, and the partnership between ResurFX laser treatment and microneedling is truly enchanting. Parson Skin Center proudly offers both, and while each treatment alone delivers impressive outcomes, their synergy creates an unstoppable transformation. Let’s delve into the unique attributes of ResurFX and microneedling and how their combination can elevate your skin to new heights.

ResurFX: The Genuine Fractional Non-Ablative Laser

ResurFX, crafted by Lumenis, stands out as the sole genuine fractional non-ablative laser. Its one-and-done approach is a standout feature, typically requiring just one pass for maximum results. Unlike other fractional lasers that demand multiple passes in a single session, ResurFX minimizes both time consumption and downtime, as it causes less trauma to the skin.

This non-ablative laser addresses common skin concerns such as discoloration, stretch marks, wrinkles, and acne scarring without destroying skin cells. The “fractional” aspect ensures that only a fraction of the skin is affected, resulting in less visible damage and a swifter recovery period.

What to Know About ResurFX

While ResurFX is occasionally compared to Fraxel laser, ResurFX typically requires 3 – 4 passes on average, compared to Fraxel Restore’s 6 – 8 passes for optimal results. This makes ResurFX a more comfortable option, with a recovery period of around one week. During this time, the skin may be dry, red, and irritated, but clients can usually resume daily activities within a few days post-treatment.

Sun protection is crucial during the recovery period, as the skin is particularly vulnerable for about six weeks post-treatment. Swelling usually subsides in two to three days, allowing clients to confidently engage in daily tasks shortly after their session.

Microneedling Magic

Collagen production, the key to a youthful appearance, is stimulated by ResurFX. While treatments are scheduled about one month apart to allow for recovery, microneedling serves as another collagen induction therapy. This century-old technique involves creating controlled micro-traumas in the skin, promoting collagen production without visible damage. Microneedling is typically a routine treatment with minimal downtime, featuring some redness that fades within a few hours.

The Power of Combination

ResurFX and microneedling can be combined to enhance collagen induction and guide the body to produce collagen where needed. This powerful duo offers a surge of collagen, turning back the clock and rejuvenating the skin. Results may not be immediate, but noticeable improvements are typically observed about one month after the initial session.

Schedule Your Consultation or Appointment

Whether opting for ResurFX, microneedling, or their synergistic combination, unlock the potential for radiant and youthful skin this summer. Collagen production is a gradual process, and starting now can lead to plumper, more vibrant skin with a noticeable glow by the end of summer. Contact Parson Skin Center today to schedule your consultation or appointment – call the office or fill out the online form for a prompt response. Your journey to revitalized skin awaits!