Breast Augmentation’s “Drop and Fluff”

Breast Augmentation’s “Drop and Fluff” | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Breast Augmentation’s “Drop and Fluff”

“How soon will I look ‘normal’ after breast implants?” It’s one of the first questions asked during a consultation at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center. What most patients are really asking is when will they feel comfortable in a bikini, naked, and generally get completely back to their regular life. There is no set timeframe, and settling into your new “you” is a process. In actuality, most people who get breast augmentation feel comfortable going back to a sedentary job as early as five days post-op. A lot of people can return to some form of exercise as early as two weeks after the surgery, though weight lifting should be put on hold for 4 – 6 weeks in order to avoid straining the surgical sites. “Normal” is subjective and relative, but most patients are very pleasantly surprised to find that they actually look like their more preferred version of themselves sooner rather than later.

Your recovery timeline is going to be unique and dictated by your doctor. A lot of factors go into how smooth and quick a recovery is including the size and placement of your implants as well as how closely you follow after-care instructions. In most cases, you will be encouraged to gently shower (and remove your compression bra for this) 48 – 72 hours after your surgery. This is when you will often get your first glimpse of the results. However, in this early stage, swelling and bruising is to be expected. You can start to see what the final result will look like—and, save for some small dressings, you will largely look “normal” even at this time. However, the “drop and fluff” hasn’t happened quite yet.

Implants Settling Into Place

For about the first three months, it’s “normal” for newly-placed implants to sit high and tight. Bear in mind that implants are a foreign (yet safe) object placed in the body, so it’s going to take your body some time to get used to them. Around the three-month mark, the “drop and fluff” will happen. This is when the implants will drop slightly into the position intended by your doctor. They will also “fluff out” a little, which will make them look closer together. The fluffing process is what makes them look more natural. Although the “drop and fluff” isn’t a medical term, it is one that is used universally by surgeons to describe implants settling into their final, intended position.

About three months post-surgery is also when many patients get into their final healing phase. “Full healing” usually happens at around six months, but at three months you’ll know what the final results will look like. You will have been out of the compression bra for a few weeks and gotten used to your new, improved shape. The most important time of your healing journey takes place during these 12 weeks, and it is critical to follow aftercare instructions during this time.

The Importance of Aftercare

While you await the “drop and fluff,” there’s plenty you can do to speed up the healing process. It starts with carefully following your surgeon’s instructions. This includes wearing your compression bra at all times (except when showering). Most patients are recommended to wear this garment anywhere from 2 – 6 weeks after their surgery. Compression bras are essential for reducing unwanted swelling, bruising, and migration. Most bras have an additional strap (often attached to the bra itself) to prevent implants from shifting upward. It’s a good idea to buy at least two compression bras so you always have a clean one while the other is being washed. These bras can look and feel a lot like sports bras and you can easily wear them under any outfit.

It is also critical to sleep propped up after the surgery. This is usually recommended anywhere from 2 – 4 weeks after your surgery. If you think this will be a struggle for you, practice before the surgery. There are many different pillows and props that can help you achieve a comfortable upright sleeping position. Similar to a compression bra, this position will help to reduce swelling, bruising, and implant migration.

Is Breast Augmentation for You?

Breast augmentation is the only way to get or restore volume in the breasts. As we get older, and after weight fluctuations and/or childbirth and nursing, breasts tend to “deflate.” Breast lifts only address skin laxity—not lost volume. If you want to restore your youthful breasts (or simply enhance the youthful ones you have), breast augmentation is necessary. Contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center to schedule your consultation by calling the office or completing the online contact form.