Right Now is the Best Time to Schedule Breast Augmentation

Right Now is the Best Time for Breast Augmentation | Dr. Shaun Parson

Right Now is the Best Time to Schedule Breast Augmentation

There will (hopefully) never be another pandemic that gives us an excuse to stay home, recover, and not be seen from the neck down. At Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, the number of requests for body plastic surgery is soaring simply because patients now have the time to do it. We’re on pause from the days of non-stop traveling, in-person meetings, running errands in person, and generally being seen on a routine basis. This has led to an explosion in number of procedures, but particularly those that can’t be seen on Zoom calls. One of the most requested procedures is breast augmentation, which is the enhancement of the breasts via the placement of breast implants.

Any surgery calls for a recovery period and breast augmentation can be relatively invasive (depending on the incisions and whether the implant is placed below or above the chest muscles). However, most patients feel comfortable enough to return to sedentary work—like Zoom calls—just a couple of days after the procedure. Nobody will be any the wiser and you have unprecedented time to sit home, take it somewhat easy, and recover on your own timeline right now.

We don’t know when things will return to somewhat normal or when we will no longer have the excuse of hunkering down. It’s not too late to take advantage of this unique time. Scheduling breast augmentation surgery right now will give you an unparalleled opportunity to treat yourself and recover in peace.

What to Expect with Breast Augmentation

Every breast augmentation surgery is 100 percent customized to you. This includes the types of incisions and placement, the type of implant (including size, shape, silicone vs. saline, and placement), and your one of a kind recovery timeline. Your surgeon will tell you when you can expect to return to certain activities, with getting back to vigorous exercise typically taking about 6 – 8 weeks.

However, the majority of breast augmentation patients are eager to get back to some semblance of pandemic-normal. This means many patients are checking emails and even attending meetings within the same week of their appointment. You will need to attend follow-up appointments with your surgeon and wear a special compression garment immediately following the surgery, but those are the only implications when it comes to whether or not your surgery will get in the way of sedentary tasks.

Combining Surgeries

Right now is also a great time to treat yourself to combination surgeries and treatments that you might not otherwise feel you have time for. One example is the mommy makeover, which typically includes breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, and liposuction. Although undergoing multiple surgeries will extend your recovery period a little, it is still often preferred by some to undergo multiple surgeries at once rather than spreading them out. Not only will you save a little money, you will also dramatically decrease the risk of any side effects by only undergoing anesthesia once.

There are also non-surgical procedures that complement breast augmentation. For example, a chemical peel on the chest (and anywhere else!) can be a great way to further optimize results. No breast surgery actually changes the quality of the skin itself. Surgery can address sagging and skin laxity, but a chemical peel removes hyperpigmentation, poor quality, and generally turns back the clock on this delicate skin.

Preparing for Breast Augmentation

If you’ve been thinking about breast augmentation or any other surgery, now is the time to learn more. A consultation is where you’ll find out what kind of results you can expect and learn what your recovery timeline will look like. You can also feel what different types of implants feel like, which really makes the possibility of surgery “come to life.” There is no pressure at consultations, and the goal is to make sure you have all of the information necessary to make an informed decision.

Who says you can’t come out of quarantine looking and feeling your best? Don’t let this window of time pass you by. Learn more about breast augmentation today by calling Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center at (480) 282-8386.