Weight Training Not “Cutting” it Anymore? Bulk Up with Emsculpt

Weight Training Not Enough? Try Emsculpt | Dr. Shaun Parson

Weight Training Not “Cutting” it Anymore? Bulk Up with Emsculpt

There are limits to strength training whether you use free weights, fixed machines, TRX, or any other method—even body builders reach plateaus. Parson Skin Center offers Emsculpt, a one-of-a-kind technology that takes strength training to the next level with no risk and without you breaking a sweat. It is not a replacement for workouts, but rather a complement to them. If you are looking to get back into weight training, need to break through a plateau, or otherwise take your fitness to the next level, this is the non-invasive treatment for you.

Usually if something sounds too good to be true it is, but that isn’t the case with Emsculpt. It’s backed by science and how it works is pretty simple. Your muscles get stronger and bigger through supramaximal contractions. These contractions “tell” the muscles that they need to bulk up in order to withstand future contractions. Typically, these contractions are achieved through weight lifting, manual labor, or any other movement that puts strain on the muscles. However, Emsculpt actually makes your muscles perform these contractions through HIFEM technology.

The Emsculpt Difference

Most people aim for up to 15 reps when weight training. Emsculpt makes your muscles perform 20,000 supramaximal contractions in just 30 minutes. That is clearly much more than anyone could do on their own. Even better, these contractions are completely safe. There are no “gym risks” involved and the treatment is comfortable (though it can feel a little strange the first time). However, Emsculpt is a popular treatment to live stream on social media because it’s cutting-edge, comfortable, and really works.

Just keep in mind that, according to your muscles, there’s no difference between doing 20,000 reps in the gym or with Emsculpt. If you want to make the most of your sessions, help your muscles out with BCAA water and with a generous dose of protein afterward. You can expect delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) for 1 – 4 days after each Emsculpt session, so plan to take it easy. Skip strength training on your targeted area for those days.

Emsculpt for Autumn

Just like you won’t get optimal results after one session at the gym, you’re going to need multiple Emsculpt sessions. But don’t worry, this isn’t the same kind of commitment your personal trainer demands. Most people get foundational results with 4 – 6 treatments, each spaced one month apart. Muscles take time to grow and strengthen. Then, maintenance sessions are recommended every six months. To gauge your success, track your gains with a measuring tape. This will be the best indicator and you can expect to see continued muscle strengthening for up to three months after your last session.

In other words, start Emsculpting right now and you can show off toned, strong muscles just in time for the New Year. Emsculpt can be performed year-round, but autumn is a great time because you can keep up that summer body (or work on one for next year!) even in cooler months. You can also combine Emsculpt with other procedures, such as liposuction, to maximize results. After all, it’s tough to show off muscle growth if there is an excess layer of fat. Alternatively, non-surgical options like CoolSculpting can also help you shed fat cells so that your gains can get the attention they deserve.

Start Your Autumn Regimen

Emsculpt quickly became a celebrity favorite because it’s quick, effective, and requires no downtime. Yes, you will be sore, but that’s also true if you doubled down at the gym. Most people see initial results before their second treatment, so you don’t have to wait long to fall in love with the new, stronger you. Emsculpt is suitable for nearly any adult of any fitness level and although it might be a celeb fave, it can also fit into any budget.

Find out for yourself why everyone is flocking to Emsculpt. We only offer the best and safest treatments and procedures at our medical day spa and can work with you to create an individualized treatment plan just for your gains and goals. Connect with Parson Skin Center today! Give us a call or complete the online contact form to book your consultation or appointment.