The Selfie

Selfie and Plastic Surgery | Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center, Scottsdale, Arizona

The Selfie

The Rise of The Selfie and Relation to Plastic Surgery

Here is an interesting fact, did you know that there has been a greater than a 10 percent rise in the amount of facial surgery over the past few years and leading researchers think the main reason is due to the selfie.

Wikipedia defines a selfie as a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held camera phone. Selfies are often associated with social networking, like Instagram. They are often casual, are typically taken either with a camera held at arm’s length or in a mirror, and typically include either only the photographer or the photographer and as many people as can be in focus. Selfies taken that involve multiple people are known as “group selfies” or “ussies”.

So how is it that the “Selfie” has fundamentally changed the total amount of plastic surgery being performed today? The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, reports that one out of three patients have recently reported to physician members that their primary motivation for having facial surgery was to look better in selfies. They found the following increases due to this phenomenon:

  • 10 percent increase in rhinoplasty surgery
  • 7 percent increase in hair transplants
  • 6 percent increase in blepharoplasty (eyelid) surgery

“Social platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and the iPhone app, which are solely image based, force patients to hold a microscope up to their own image and often look at it with a more self-critical eye than ever before,” said Edward Farrier, MD, President of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. “These images are often the first impression young people put out there to prospective friends, romantic interests and employers and our patients want to put their best face forward.”

Sadly the article also reported that bullying was also a deciding factor for many teens to undergo plastic surgery. The article reported that nearly 70 percent of children that underwent plastic surgical procedures did so because they were bullied for their looks. Additionally, roughly 30 percent underwent procedures in an attempt to avoid bullying.

We certainly have come a long way from the first known selfie that was taken by American photographer Robert Cornelius in 1839. I rather doubt Robert was concerned about whether to have any plastic surgery after seeing his photo.

About Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson

Dr. Parson is an experienced plastic surgeon chosen multiple times as one of the “Top Docs” highlighted in Phoenix Magazine and is the former Chairman of Plastic Surgery and Chief of Surgery at Scottsdale Healthcare Shea Hospital. Contact Dr. Parson’s office to learn more about facial procedures.