ResurFX vs. Microneedling

ResurFX vs. Microneedling | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

ResurFX vs. Microneedling

Are lasers better than microneedling? Let’s take a look at the differences between them—and how they may work together. At Parson Skin Center, we offer a variety of treatments to suit every skin type and goal. Home to one of the largest laser suites in the area, you’re sure to find the right laser for you (if that’s the direction you go) and one of the most popular is ResurFX. It’s the only fractional non-ablative laser available, requiring just one pass for optimal results that can last up to two years. So, how does it work and should it replace your microneedling?

ResurFX uses a 1565 nm fiber laser featuring a cutting-edge scanner. This lets your provider select from over 600 combinations so that your laser treatment is 100% customized. It also has CoolScan, designed for non-sequential scanning and the best in comfort. ResurFX sessions are short (typically just 30 minutes), but you deserve to be as comfortable as possible during your treatment. CoolScan makes that happen. Plus, it helps to protect the tissue from overheating.

What Do You Get with ResurFX?

This treatment creates heat from the laser that stimulates deep skin tissue and kick-starts collagen production and elastic fiber creation. When we stop producing collagen as we get older, this results in the skin that isn’t as taut and youthful as it used to be. Fortunately, there are ways to restart collagen production, including both ResurFX and microneedling.

You might be asking why swap out one for the other when they both do the same thing. There are many ways to jumpstart our collagen production, and some treatments might work better for one person or another. There’s also no such thing as too much collagen production! That’s why a lot of people opt for ResurFX every two years, to go “hard and fast” at collagen production while maintaining their monthly microneedling sessions. ResurFX is preferred by some with packed schedules who can only manage an appointment every two years, but then again microneedling on a monthly basis also only takes about 30 minutes. You can do one or the other—or both.

What Makes ResurFX Different in the Laser World?

There are a lot of lasers out there. Compared to many others that are designed to encourage collagen production, ResurFX is relatively fast and comfortable. We are often asked how ResurFX compares to intense pulsed light (IPL), since IPL is a household name, but the two are totally different lasers designed for completely different things. ResurFX is all about collagen production. IPL and many other lasers address surface concerns such as sun damage. It will take longer to see results from ResurFX, since it works from the inside out while IPL results can start to be seen within a couple of weeks.

When comparing results between ResurFX and microneedling, time is the major difference. The results from a laser like ResurFX can be seen faster, are longer lasting, and are more dramatic than with microneedling. However, a short amount of downtime may be necessary for some patients. Minor swelling and sometimes bruising can occur. That is rarely the case with microneedling, with most clients immediately getting back to their daily lives (perhaps looking a little flushed).

ResurFX and Microneedling Aftercare

Aftercare is minimal for both ResurFX and microneedling. However, any treatment is a great time to reassess your skin care routine. Upgrade to a gentle medical-grade cleanser and SPF protection. In the days following any lasering, skin might feel a bit rough, but it’s nothing that should interfere with your day-to-day life. Microneedling’s flush (if it occurs) dissipates in just a few hours.

When it comes to choosing between microneedling and a laser, whether ResurFX or another, there’s no need to select just one! They can complement one another well. Some patients continue or start a microneedling treatment, perhaps skipping it for one month to undergo ResurFX, then it’s right back to monthly microneedling treatments. You can also pair microneedling with other treatments like a HydraFacial for an extra treat and skin soothing experience.

To create your own customized treatment plan, schedule a consultation today. Contact Parson Skin Center now by starting an online chat or call the office during business hours.