Breast Augmentation Considerations

Breast Augmentation Considerations | Dr. Shaun Parson, Phoenix

Breast Augmentation Considerations

Before scheduling a consultation with a leading breast augmentation surgeon like Dr. Shaun Parson, it’s a good idea to lay the groundwork for what this procedure entails. There is a lot more to consider than just the size (ccs) of implants. Today’s breast augmentation procedure is highly customizable. One of the first decisions to make is the material: saline vs. silicone implants. Most patients opt for silicone because they think it feels the most natural, but there are certainly benefits to saline, too—including needing smaller incisions.

Silicone breast implants are pre-filled. This means that, depending on the size of the implant, a larger incision will be needed to insert it. Most incisions are made in the natural crease of the breast. This makes for easy camouflage and once the incision is healed, it easily blends into the crease. On average, these incisions are about 1.5 inches long.

However, saline implants are filled after insertion so a much smaller incision is often needed. Incisions are typically in the breast crease, but in some cases they may be better suited for other areas (such as the armpits). Your anatomy and goals will also help determine the right incision placement, and this will be discussed during your consultation.

Shape and Texture

Both the shape of implants and their texture are also customizable. There are two shapes: round and teardrop. Round implants provide more volume and an overall fuller look. They were the gold standard up until about 10 years ago (although they are still very popular). Teardrop implants provide a more natural profile with a fuller bottom that tapers towards the top. One is not better than the other. It’s simply up to personal preference.

However, one thing to consider with shapes is possible rotation. If round implants rotate at all, it makes no difference. If teardrop shaped implants rotate, this may lead to an aesthetically unpleasing look. One way to ensure implants “stick” in place better is by choosing textured implants. However, textured implants are best used when implants are placed under the chest muscles. That’s yet another consideration to think about.

Implant Placement

You can get implants either above the chest muscles or below them. For very slender clients, implants below the chest muscles can look the most natural because muscles provide padding between the skin and implant. However, this surgery is a little more invasive and requires a longer recovery period.

Most patients can achieve a natural look with implants above the chest muscles and enjoy the added bonus of a quicker recovery period. Putting teardrop-shaped implants below the muscles can also help keep them from rotating if that is a concern, but typically opting for textured implants is more than enough for “safekeeping.”

What to Know About Implants

Bruising and swelling is common for a few weeks after breast augmentation surgery, but patients are often very pleasantly surprised at just how “normal” their breasts look even right after surgery. You often can’t see the incisions unless you lift up the breasts. However, you will need to wear a special compression bra for at least six weeks any time you are not showering. This will help reduce discomfort, pain, swelling, and encourage your new breasts to take shape.

Your exact return to normal, including exercise and reaching overhead, will be determined by your doctor. Most patients can return to light exercise, such as walking, 2 – 3 weeks after their surgery. Usually, 6 – 8 weeks of recovery is recommended for more intense exercise. A lot of patients return to sedentary work about one week after their surgery.

It is important to keep in mind that it takes about 3 months for implants to “drop and fluff.” This is when they fall into their final, intended place and take on a more natural appearance. During this 3 month wait, don’t be surprised if your breasts are more or less sensitive than normal. Your breasts will look healed well before they truly are—on average, it takes 6 months for breast augmentation to truly heal.

Are you ready to learn more about breast augmentation and your options? Get in touch with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today by calling the office or completing the online contact form now.