Body Lift Surgery + Skin Removal

Body Lift Surgery Recovery | Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center, Scottsdale, Arizona

Body Lift Surgery + Skin Removal

The body lift is a procedure designed to remove the excess skin around the thighs, hips, buttocks and midsection that is generally left after a massive weight loss. This procedure is common in patients who have undergone bariatric surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson can determine whether you’re a good candidate for the body lift and to what extent.

The body lift produces dramatic results that will narrow the waist, elevate the buttocks and eliminate the loose skin around the thighs and abdomen. This procedure is recommended for any patient who has put in the work to lose the weight and has excess skin as a result. The procedure incorporates an incision around the width of the entire lower body. The surgery is performed in sections.

Contact Body Lift Surgeon Dr. Parson – To learn more about the body lift, contact our Scottsdale office today!