8 Things About a Tummy Tuck You Didn’t Know (But are Gonna Love)

8 Things About a Tummy Tuck You Didn’t Know | Dr. Shaun Parson

8 Things About a Tummy Tuck You Didn’t Know (But are Gonna Love)

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, has quickly become one of the most-desired procedures around the country—and with good reason. It is extremely popular at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center both as a standalone procedure and as part of a “mommy makeover.” However, you don’t need to be a mama—or a woman for that matter—to benefit from the incredible results of this stomach-flattening procedure.

A lot of people think they know what a tummy tuck is thanks to its name, but here are a few fab things about this procedure that might shock you in all the right ways:

Liposuction is almost always a perfect pairing with a tummy tuck. Yes, you can get a tummy tuck without liposuction, but why would you? The goal of a tummy tuck is to achieve a taut, youthful, almost-nearly-flat stomach—and that’s going to be tough to do if you’re like a lot of people and have some pockets of unwanted fat lingering on the abdomen. Plus, a tummy tuck is a great time to get rid of excess fat via liposuction in this area since it adds on virtually no additional recovery time.

Tummy tucks strengthen your abs—really. Tummy tucks don’t “just” remove excess skin on the stomach, contrary to popular belief. Part of the procedure also stitches the abs closer together. In fact, this part of a tummy tuck is the same (medical) procedure that corrects diastasis recti!

You might get a new belly button. Most patients who qualify for a full tummy tuck need to get a “new” belly button made. When enough skin is removed from the stomach, it doesn’t end up well for the original belly button. This is great news for many who maybe always wanted an innie, have forever regretted that bellybutton ring that messed up their stomach aesthetic, or who have struggled with a stretched-out belly button after pregnancy or weight fluctuations.

The incision is very well hidden. Really. Incisions for a tummy tuck are kind of long (hip bone to hip bone in most cases), but a skilled surgeon ensures that the incision is hidden well below the beltline. This means that you can go topless, wear swimsuits, and can have total confidence without worrying about your incision showing. And if that’s what’s keeping you from scheduling a consultation, keep in mind that laser skin rejuvenation after a tummy tuck has healed is a great way to drastically reduce scarring.

Some people are better suited for a mini tuck. A mini tuck isn’t exactly what it sounds like—it’s actually a type of tummy tuck just for those who struggle with excess skin below the belly button. This isn’t the best surgery for everyone, but for the few who have a lower, smaller tummy problem this can be a great solution. There are some perks to it, such as a shorter incision, shorter recovery period, and usually the belly button does not have to be re-made.

Recovery for either surgery is quicker and easier than most think. “Full” recovery from a tummy tuck can technically take around six months, but this doesn’t mean you’ll be bed-bound the whole time. In fact, a lot of people return to desk-based work just one or two weeks post-surgery. You will have to wear special compression garments for a few weeks post-op, but these are kind of like Spanx and easily fit under your clothes. In many cases, you will also have a drain (which looks a bit like a smoke detector in shape and size) for just a few days after the procedure to keep you clean and safe. These drains are surprisingly easy to hide in looser pants or tucked into pockets. Otherwise, you can often start to exercise a few weeks after the surgery with a return to your complete pre-tuck workout around six weeks after your surgery.

Ideal tummy tucks don’t give you a fully flat stomach. “Perfect” stomachs have contours, lines, and dips. Take a look at the magazines. A totally flat board of a stomach isn’t attractive or what people really want—which is why we offer idyllic results that are wholly natural-looking.

You’ll be swollen, but you’ll see results. Even right after surgery when there is redness, stitching, and swelling, you’ll get a sneak peek into the final results. This is the fun part. Once you see that tummy, it will all be worth it.

Every tummy tuck is customized for the patient. To get started on your tummy tuck journey, contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today via phone or the online form to schedule yours.