YES! You Really Can Get Incredible Results with “Just” Liposuction

YES! Get Results with “Just” Liposuction

YES! You Really Can Get Incredible Results with “Just” Liposuction

Is liposuction a weight-loss surgery or a body-contouring tool? The two terms might sound similar but are actually quite different, and liposuction is one of the most-requested procedures at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center. Ultimately, a “weight-loss surgery” is designed to help a patient lose substantial amounts of weight. These surgeries are typically very invasive and do not offer immediate results. One example is gastric bypass surgery, which helps patients keep their appetites in check by making them feel full right away. Liposuction is different.

Liposuction does remove unwanted fat, but this procedure is typically not used to remove large amounts of fat. Instead, liposuction is a great tool to shape and contour the body. Yes, the surgery itself is removing fat via a cannula (tube), but most patients only lose a couple of pounds (if any!) after liposuction. Still, this does not mean that liposuction only offers subtle results for most patients. When you work with an expert, like Dr. Parson, you can enjoy phenomenal results with “just” liposuction!

Who is Liposuction For?

Liposuction may be a good option for any healthy adult. The best candidates are at or close to a healthy weight but struggle with stubborn pockets of fat. You can get liposuction just about anywhere on the body or face, with some of the most common areas being the abdomen, back, right below the buttocks, and even under the chin. You can liposuction away “bat wings” that just won’t budge or use it as part of a breast augmentation surgery to remove spillover from the sides of the breast.

Diet and exercise alone are very limiting in what you can achieve. If you’ve undertaken a weight-loss regimen before, you know how frustrating it can be that you can’t “spot reduce.” For instance, many women find that when trying to “lose weight” the first place to decrease is their breasts while their stomach or thighs might stay the same. This is because we all have unique fat distribution and are born with a certain number of fat cells. Diet and exercise can shrink these cells, but only liposuction can get rid of them immediately.

What to Expect with Liposuction

Compared to most other cosmetic surgeries, liposuction is relatively less invasive. The incisions necessary are very small and, once healed, are nearly invisible to the naked eye. The cannula does not need to be particularly large to remove fat and shape the body. Swelling and bruising is expected immediately after any liposuction, but these side effects go away on their own within a couple of weeks. However, you can still see what your results are going to look like at this stage and that’s an exciting part of getting liposuction!

If you want to see exactly what kind of results you can expect from liposuction, take a look at Dr. Parson’s before and after gallery. Some patients can get exactly the results they want with “only” liposuction! Others might need complementary treatments like a tummy tuck—this is quite common if there is skin laxity as well as targeted fat to be addressed.

Sculpt Your Body with Liposuction

When fat is removed via liposuction, those fat cells are gone forever. They can’t grow back. However, healthy diet and exercise is still important. Nearby fat cells can expand and grow, edging into the areas that were liposuctioned. Liposuction isn’t a replacement for a healthy lifestyle, but rather a means of boosting your efforts and taking your results to the next level.

Most patients only need a few days off from vigorous activity to recover from liposuction. Some even return to working from home on Zoom the next day. If you’d like to schedule a consultation for liposuction or any other cosmetic surgery, connect with Dr. Parson’s team today. Get in touch with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center by calling the office or filling out the online form.