6 Reasons Younger People are Getting Facelifts

6 Reasons People are Getting Facelifts | Dr. Shaun Parson

6 Reasons Younger People are Getting Facelifts

It used to be that facelifts were reserved for those with severe lines, wrinkles, and creases, which meant that most patients were 50+. This is no longer true and at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center we’ve seen an influx of younger patients interested in facelifts and mini lifts. While there are still plenty of people seeking out facelifts in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and better, what’s driving younger patients to turn back the clock surgically? Here are a few reasons for this trend shift:

1. There are many different kinds of facelifts, and some are designed for younger patients or those with moderate wrinkles. In decades past, there was really only one facelift technique. It didn’t address the underlying tissue and instead just focused on trimming away excess skin and pulling it back. This often resulted in an unfortunate windswept look and (rightfully) deterred many people from getting a facelift. Today, there are various techniques and even a mini facelift (which is just what it sounds like).

2. Younger patients don’t feel they need to “wait until it’s bad enough.” What age is the right age to get a facelift? There’s no such thing. Some people like minimally invasive procedures with little to no downtime (a facelift is not for them). Others want beautiful yet dramatic results. The latter group is up for putting in a couple of weeks of downtime in order to get results they’ll love—and won’t have to think about any future invasive surgeries for quite some time. For these patients, they might be a good fit for something like a mini lift as young as their 30s.

3. The taboo is (mostly) gone. Maybe it’s thanks to social media, but the taboo associated with facelifts and other plastic surgeries has sloughed away in recent years. Celebs like Sarah Jessica Parker go on record bemoaning the fact that she “missed” the facelift window at 44 years old (spoiler: there’s no such thing) and that she’s still thinking about it. Some people talk about their facelifts. Others don’t. That’s up to you, but there are more conversations happening about cosmetic surgery and that’s a great thing for sparking information exchange and education.

4. You get used to non-surgical treatments—but they don’t last forever. Botox and dermal fillers are nearly as common as manis and pedis, and many people start getting these treatments in their 20s. However, even with an adhered-to injectable regimen, you’re simply not going to look 25 forever. There are limits to what non-surgical treatments like injectables can do. When you get accustomed to loving your look and feeling refreshed in your 20s, it’s only natural to want to keep that confidence high moving forward. There will come a time when non-surgical treatments no longer give you exactly what you want. That’s when it might be time to schedule a facelift consultation.

5. Today’s incisions are nearly invisible. Years ago, it was easy to tell who had a facelift—they had telltale incision scars behind their ears. Today, incisions can typically be hidden in the crevices of the ears. In some cases, incisions might need to be made inside the hairline. Regardless, today’s facelifts are often called “ponytail lifts” because the patient can sweep their hair up without showing any incision scars. The incision for the neck lift portion of the facelift is a small “dot” right under the chin, which is easy to hide.

6. We’re living more remote lives. A facelift is a surgery and there will be swelling, bruising, and a recovery period. Many people feel they look “back to normal enough” about two weeks after their surgery, which means they are confident meeting people in person—or Zoom. Especially post-pandemic, a lot of people have work lives that let them be hybrid, remote, or otherwise recover without completely going off the grid. With increasingly flexible lives, this makes it easier to opt for cosmetic surgeries.

These are just a few of the reasons younger patients are considering facelifts—but so are people, men and women, of all ages. If you’d like to learn more about facelift options, schedule a consult with Dr. Parson. Contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today by calling the office or filling out the online contact form.