Am I the Right Age for a Facelift?

Am I the Right Age for a Facelift? | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Am I the Right Age for a Facelift?

A facelift is one of the first plastic surgery procedures many people consider—and most patients-to-be quickly wonder if they’re at the “right” age for one. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center works with men and women of all ages to determine the best approach to achieve their sought-after results. The reality is that there’s no “perfect” age for a facelift, but keep in mind that if you’re thinking about a facelift, then you’ll have an increased need (and want!) for one with every passing year. So, how do you determine what the right age is for you?

There are different types of facelifts, and a lot of people understandably don’t know the difference before they meet with a surgeon. The “full facelift” or traditional facelift only lifts the skin from the lower half of the face and the neck. That’s right—a neck lift is usually part of a full facelift. But what about the top half of the face? The skin around the eyes is often the first place to show signs of aging and many people want to vanquish forehead lines. Addressing these areas requires additional, complementary surgeries such as an upper and lower eyelid lift and/or a brow lift. Many people combine these surgeries in one procedure to get the results they want.

Understanding Facelifts

A full facelift without any additional surgeries takes about three hours to perform. Facelifts remove excess skin for a tighter, lifted appearance but also readjust underlying tissue and muscles that cause the appearance of being older. Some patients (usually those under 50) are better suited for a “mini facelift” that is exactly what it sounds like—a traditional facelift but with shorter incisions. A mini facelift isn’t as dramatic, but that’s exactly what younger patients want. A bonus is that the healing time is also faster for a mini lift.

All facelifts hide the incisions either in the crevices around the ear or in the hair, so you never have to worry about someone being able to tell that you’ve “had work done.” However, keep in mind that a facelift isn’t a forever-solution. Your skin will continue to age, becoming more inelastic and resulting in lines and wrinkles. Some people put off getting a full facelift because they hope to need just one facelift in their lifetime. How many facelifts you’ll need will actually depend on many factors including your goals, the type of initial facelift you receive, and your skin’s ability to retain elasticity.

The Skin You’re In: When A Facelift Is in Your Future

Every person’s skin is different, and although we all lose elasticity with age we do so to different degrees and at different rates. Part of it is genetic, and there’s little you can do about that part! However, part of how your skin ages has to do with the degree of damage it has sustained and how the skin has been cared for. For example, if you had a lot of sunburns even as a child, your skin is inherently damaged and will tend to age faster. (However, keep in mind that it’s never too late to start following a quality sun protection routine!). If you use medical-grade skin care products and follow a regimen recommended by your dermatologist, your skin will stay looking younger longer.

It’s also important to keep in mind that all facelifts address skin elasticity and underlying issues, but do not improve the quality of the skin itself. You can improve the results of your facelift by following it with a laser skin treatment or chemical peel once you’re healed.

Planning Your Facelift Surgery

There’s no ideal age for a facelift or mini lift, but an adult does need to be in good health before any elective surgery. Current smokers are unlikely to qualify, but you can qualify for a facelift if you stop smoking entirely for a determined time prior to surgery (your surgeon will tell you exactly how long). Some chronic diseases may render you a poor candidate for a facelift, such as diabetes because it slows down how quickly wounds heal.

Once you’ve been approved for a facelift by your doctor, the next question is probably how much younger you’ll look. This varies person to person, but on average a patient in their 40s will look 10 years younger after a facelift. Are you ready to take the next step and turn back the clock? Contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center at (480) 282-8386 for a complimentary facelift consultation.