Why Tummy Tucks are the #1 Treat for Yourself

Why Tummy Tucks are the #1 Treat for Yourself | Dr. Shaun Parson

Why Tummy Tucks are the #1 Treat for Yourself

When it comes to treating yourself, opting for cosmetic surgery is the ultimate show of self-care and self-love. However, at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center one procedure rises to the top and that’s the tummy tuck. Having a taut, flat tummy that you’re confident in showing off is the quintessential sign of health and youth, but it can be impossible to get without surgical intervention. This is especially true for those who have experienced weight fluctuations or who are post-partum.

The abdominal skin is designed to stretch and many of us tend to put on weight in the belly first. It’s the collagen and elastin in our skin that helps our body “snap back” after changes due to weight shifts or pregnancy, but those key ingredients simply start to wane as we get older. The result is a crepe-like, saggy appearance once we’ve lost weight. No amount of exercise or diet can undo severe skin laxity, and non-surgical procedures like thermal skin tightening only last for a year or so. If you want to reclaim a tight, toned tummy then a tummy tuck is definitely an option to achieve this.

A Tummy Tuck Is More Than Skin Tightening

Most people think of a tummy tuck as a means of tightening the belly by trimming away the excess skin, but that’s just one way it works. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, also strengthens the abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck is much more than skin deep. In fact, the exact same procedure used to correct diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles usually due to pregnancy) is used during a tummy tuck that’s strictly for cosmetic purposes.

Strengthening your core using permanent sutures is a bonus that a lot of patients don’t realize they are getting when they start thinking about a tummy tuck. Liposuction is also regularly included in a tummy tuck to remove any remaining, unwanted pockets of fat. However, keep in mind that a tummy tuck isn’t a weight loss procedure. Rather, it’s a very popular surgery after weight loss whether achieved naturally or through a weight loss surgery like bariatric surgery. A tummy tuck is meant to tighten the skin and the abdominal muscles, and sometimes removing lingering small areas of fat.

Choosing Between Skin Laxity and a Scar

A tummy tuck is a surgery, and all surgeries require incisions. Tummy tuck scar lengths vary, but are typically hip bone to hip bone. That sounds like quite a long incision, but there’s a reason why patients think it’s well worth it. Since severe skin laxity can only be addressed with a tummy tuck, you have a choice: Do you want to deal with sagging, crepe-like skin all over your stomach or do you want a thin incisions that’s hidden below your underwear line?

You can see why so many people choose the latter. A tummy tuck incision is always tucked well below the beltline so you can go topless or wear bikinis with full confidence. Many patients will also require the creation of a “new” bellybutton during their tummy tuck. The bellybutton no longer serves a purpose after we’re born, but it’s an important aesthetic component. When a lot of skin needs to be trimmed away or shifted, it’s critical for the bellybutton to stay in its natural position. If the re-creation of a bellybutton is necessary, that procedure is built in to the tummy tuck.

Ready for Your Tuck?

Requests for cosmetic surgeries are on the rise right now as everyone wants to take advantage of being home, quarantining, and having ample time to recover. A tummy tuck is a relatively invasive surgery, but many patients can return to sedentary tasks like checking email about one week after their surgery. Your specific timeline will vary and you will be provided with a recovery timeframe prior to your procedure.

To learn more about tummy tucks and see if it’s the right surgery for you, connect with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today by calling (480) 282-8386.