Undo the COVID 29 with Emsculpt

Undo the COVID 29 with Emsculpt | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Undo the COVID 29 with Emsculpt

The post-pandemic world is almost upon us and the numbers are in—the average weight gain in the U.S. in the past 18 months is 29 pounds. If you’re like a lot of people who are just now getting back to a healthier diet and regular workouts, it can be disheartening to see an increase in fat and a reduction in muscle. That’s exactly why Parson Skin Center offers Emsculpt, the revolutionary technology that builds muscle while you sit back and relax.

Most people will agree that actually building muscle is the toughest part of achieving a body you’ll love. While weight reduction and muscle mass are both desirable by men and women alike, it takes a lot more time and works to build muscle! In fact, it can take hours of dedication for weeks (or even months) before you start seeing a hint of a six-pack or a shapelier behind. Worse, strength training can be dangerous. One wrong move can send you searching for physical therapy and could bench you for months. Emsculpt is a tool to complement workouts, give you a head-start on your renewed muscle journey, or simply a way to bust through plateaus.

How Emsculpt Works

Emsculpt works exactly how natural muscle-building works. When we build muscle using dumbbells (for example), we are forcing targeted muscles into what are called supramaximal contractions. This means it’s just enough stress for the muscles to micro-tear, which makes them repair themselves and get bigger and stronger in the following days so that they can withstand the stressor the next time. As you can imagine, there’s a fine line between a desirable micro-tear and a painful deeper muscle tear.

However, the body does not differentiate if dumbbells, weight machines, or another particular method is used for achieving supramaximal contractions. Emsculpt is a non-invasive technology with specialized handheld devices that force muscles into these contractions in quick succession. How quickly? Emsculpt makes muscles perform 20,000 supramaximal contractions in just 30 minutes. According to your muscles, that’s the equivalent of 20,000 lunges, bicep curls, crunches, or any other muscle-building exercise.

After Emsculpt

Of course, nobody can actually do 20,000 squats or another move consecutively—let alone in 30 minutes! And if you could, you wouldn’t see immediate results. Remember that the muscle-building part of any routine (including Emsculpt) actually takes place after the stressor. Your muscles need time to recover, and when they do that is when you will see gains. For those new to Emsculpt, you will also require more than one initial session per target site. On average, most clients require 3 – 6 initial sessions followed by a maintenance appointment every six months.

You also need to be diligent about your post-Emsculpt care. Immediately consuming a good amount of protein will help muscles repair themselves—and, in turn, get even bigger. Drinking water infused with BCAA (amino acids) right before, during, and after Emsculpt can help reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). If you don’t “feed” and protect your muscles, you’re not going to get optimal results no matter how you go about getting gains.

Ready for Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is not a substitute for workouts, but rather an incredible compliment. There are benefits to Emsculpt you can’t get any other way, such as the fact that you can truly target only certain muscles with Emsculpt. This isn’t true with any workout because whether you use a kettle bell or weight machine, you have “helper” muscles that are also getting a workout. Emsculpt can be fantastic for those who are specifically trying to target certain muscles (like the glutes), but don’t want bigger assister muscles like the quads.

However, remember that old-fashioned workouts also have their benefits. For instance, those who workout with dumbbells have the added bonus of having their balance tested throughout their workout as they experience weight shifts with this modality. You don’t get that with Emsculpt. Emsculpt is highly targeted and efficient, but it is still a great part of a healthy lifestyle—not the entirety of it.

If you are amongst the many people who put on a little undesired weight during the COVID-19 pandemic, Emsculpt can help you get back on track. Start your sessions now and have a toned, sculpted body come autumn! Connect with Parson Skin Center today by calling the office or completing the online form.