Top FAQs for Breast Implants

Top FAQs for Breast Implants | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Top FAQs for Breast Implants

Fuller, perkier breasts are a hallmark sign of youth and beauty. The Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center specializes in breast implants that are both natural looking and stunning. Breast implants in Scottsdale are especially popular since women can wear their sundresses, tank tops, and swimsuits year-round. However, not all surgeons have the same amount of skill and experience. You deserve the best breast implant surgeon in Scottsdale, and Dr. Shaun Parson is well-known for ensuring incredible results.

Have you been thinking about getting breast implants in Scottsdale? Here are a few top questions answered:

1. I’ve heard there’s above the muscle and below the muscle breast implants. Which is better? The vast majority of the time, breast implants below the chest muscles are a better option. They look more natural because muscle tissue surrounds the implant, which avoids the “half-orb” look. However, there are some cases where above the muscle is best. Only your surgeon can recommend the best placement for you.

2. How bad is the scarring? Breast implant scarring can be well hidden and there are multiple possible entry points. The best entry points will depend on your body, goals, and the type/size of implants. Commonly, scars are hidden in the folds of the breast. Some implants require an “anchor” scar if the nipple needs to be moved (which is often the case when significant skin needs to be removed). It’s also sometimes possible to hide scars in the armpits or even the navel.

3. How long is the recovery? This depends entirely on the patient and the type of breast implant. You can discuss this with your surgeon during consultations. However, most people can return to gentle activities in one to two weeks. Exercise is often an option after four to eight weeks.


Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery Today!

Any surgery, including breast implants, comes with risks. This is why it’s so important to only trust the best breast implant surgeon in Scottsdale with such a procedure. Schedule your consultation with the Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center today.