Study Shows Double Chins Plummet Self-Esteem—Kybella Can Help

Study Shows Double Chins Plummet Self-Esteem | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Study Shows Double Chins Plummet Self-Esteem—Kybella Can Help

If you have a double chin, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common complaints at Parson Skin Center, and we know that you definitely don’t have to be overweight to be plagued with this issue. Double chins are usually caused by a small, stubborn pocket of fat that just won’t budge. It might be genetic, or if you’ve lost weight it might be a lingering reminder of how you used to look. Regardless of the cause, the reality is that you can’t “spot reduce” this area with diet and exercise alone. Thankfully, Kybella gives you a solution.

Everybody knows a double chin isn’t desirable, but just how much damage can it do? Quite a bit, according to one study shared at an American Academy of Dermatology Meeting. The study included nearly 2,000 men and women 18 – 65 years old who were surveyed to gauge how having a double chin impacts self-perception. Researchers also asked how the participants felt others perceived them due to their submental fullness.

Double Chins by the Numbers

According to this study, 47 percent of people said they were bothered by their double chin, and 49 percent said it negatively affected how they looked at themselves. About 45 percent of participants said they think other people noticed their chin, and not in a good way. Among the female participants, 55 percent said they were bothered by their chin compared to 40 percent of males.

This led to 35 percent saying they try to avoid photos and 35 percent saying they tried not to video chat—which is pretty tough these days. Of the men, 29 percent had grown a beard to try to conceal their double chin. It was found that younger men were more likely to do this. The participants were also asked to gauge others’ double chin, and it was found that 78 percent were more likely to notice a double chin on a woman rather than a man. Double standards continue to exist, but at Parson Skin Center we see men as well as women who are ready to bid adieu to submental fat.

Kybella to the Rescue

Until recent years, the only option to get rid of a double chin was with liposuction. However, liposuction is a surgery, albeit a relatively less invasive one. Surgeries come with risks, down time, and an incision scar. Allergan created Kybella, a deoxycholic acid injection that remains the only FDA-approved injection to treat submental fat in adults.

Kybella works by actually destroying fat cells, and can be used on moderate to severe double chins. The acid used is a synthetic, vegan version of what we already create in our bodies as a natural fat-buster. This acid is a molecule that helps to break down dietary fat, but when injected directly into the double chin it also destroys this fat!

What Clients Say About Kybella

The vast majority of clients will require multiple Kybella sessions (3 – 6 on average). This is because a conservative approach is taken, and everyone will respond a little differently. If too much Kybella is injected at once, you might over-correct. Once Kybella destroys fat cells, they’re gone for good, so it’s paramount to use just the right amount.

Clinical studies have shown that 59 percent of patients receive six treatments to achieve ideal results. During each appointment, multiple injections are delivered. The Kybella system is a “stamp” of needles, which cuts down on the number of injections needed during your session. Appointments are spaced about one month apart to give your injector a clear idea of what the previous Kybella treatment achieved. Once you’ve reached your ideal stage, no further treatments will likely be needed. Destroyed cells can’t “grow back,” but weight gain can lead to nearby fat cells growing and expanding to the area on which Kybella was used, so a healthy diet and consistent exercise remains important.

Getting Ready for Kybella

Kybella requires no downtime, but it’s common to feel a little sore after the treatment. The site might be somewhat red and slightly swollen; after all, you’ll have just received multiple injections. However, the under-chin area is relatively well-hidden by nature, so most clients feel comfortable immediately getting back to their day. You’ll start to see some results in about one week, with most of the results from your prior injection being fully appreciated at one month.

Ready to book your Kybella treatment? Call Parson Skin Center at (480) 282-8386 or connect with us via the online form.