Are You A Good Candidate For A Scottsdale Tummy Tuck?

Are You A Good Candidate For A Scottsdale Tummy Tuck? | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Are You A Good Candidate For A Scottsdale Tummy Tuck?

We’re slowly creeping into weather that may allow us to shed the sweater finally, so now is the perfect time to make sure your body is ready to go. The last thing you want is to be left last minute with loose skin and fatty bulges that force you to cover up even though the sun is shining and the pool is sparkling. A tummy tuck from Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery is a popular procedure elected by women of all ages who are looking for a little bit of help to flatten and smooth their midsection. Wondering if a tummy tuck is right for you? Read below to see if you’re a good candidate for a Scottsdale tummy tuck.

Pregnancy or Extreme Weight Loss Has Left You With Loose Skin

Many women post-pregnancy or following massive weight loss find themselves with lax skin that refuses to retract back to its former shape. This is a result of the skin being overly stretched. A tummy tuck removes this extra hanging skin by excising it before the remaining skin is pulled taut to create a tight and smooth abdomen. Oftentimes, liposuction is combined with a tummy tuck in Scottsdale so any stubborn fat that has become resistant to diet and exercise can also be removed along with the extra skin.

You Have A Protruding Belly

If you suffer from the little pooch that is common following pregnancy, a tummy tuck may be able to help. During pregnancy, your stomach expands as the baby grows. And during this process, your abdominal muscles are also stretched which can lead to them becoming separated, commonly referred to as diastasis recti. When this happens, your abdomen can begin to bulge outward causing a not-so-pleasant protruding belly appearance. A tummy tuck helps to repair the muscle separation by stitching the muscles back together.

You’re Ready To Look and Feel Your Best

Everyone wants that sculpted and lean physique but sometimes, regardless of your diligence to eat right and be physically active, you can still have a body you’re less than confident to show off. A tummy tuck can give you that confidence by shaping and toning your midsection to help you not only look good but feel good about yourself.

Schedule Your Tummy Tuck in Scottsdale Today!

If you’re considering having a tummy tuck and want to learn more about the procedure, or to find out if you’re a good candidate, contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson. Call (480) 282-8386 and make the time for yourself so you can finally have the shapely contours you desire.