How to Heal Faster From Your Tummy Tuck

How to Heal Faster From Your Tummy Tuck | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

How to Heal Faster From Your Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a very invasive procedure that does much more than trim away excess belly skin. At Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, we are committed to giving you results that you’ll love and a positive experience, including post-surgery. The best way to heal quickly, safely, and beautifully from a tummy tuck is to carefully follow your surgeon’s orders and instructions. Since every patient is different, so is every tummy tuck. Still, there are some general best practices that can help you speed up the road to recovery.

First, let’s visit what exactly most tummy tucks entail. Assuming you’re opting for a full tummy tuck (which is best for the vast majority of people), you are going to have a long, horizontal scar right below your underwear line. The exact length of the incision is going to be dictated by where the excess skin is, but it is often hip bone to hip bone. Women who have undergone a C-section may be able to use some or part of this incision scar for their tummy tuck, reducing future scarring. However, this is just a small part of the abdominoplasty.

Going Deep with Tummy Tucks

A full tummy tuck also brings together abdominal muscles. Actually, this part of a tummy tuck is the same as the medical surgery to correct diastasis recti. This is a big part in why the recovery period for a tummy tuck is so much longer than, for example, a facelift. And we still aren’t done! Most people who get a tummy tuck will also need a “new” belly button created. If you’re a good candidate for a tummy tuck, the skin in this area will be manipulated in such a way that you might not be able to “keep” your original—but don’t worry. Dr. Parson is highly skilled at ensuring new bellybuttons are natural-looking.

Most tummy tuck clients also pair this surgery with liposuction. Unlike the correction of ab muscles and creation of a new bellybutton, liposuction is considered a separate yet complementary procedure. It is rare for clients to lack excess fat or fat pockets on the stomach, and during a tummy tuck is the ideal time to tackle this. Liposuction permanently removes unwanted fat, and these fat cells never come back. Liposuction with a tummy tuck optimizes results, helping you achieve a slender, contoured look (and helps you show off those ab muscles!). Still, liposuction is an additional surgery, and that will require recovery, too.

Feel Your Best Self Faster

You have a lot of control over how the healing period goes. The area should be kept clean, dry, and it’s critical to follow the wound care tips you receive. Most people are equipped with a “drain” during the first few days post-surgery, and it will need to be properly cleaned on a routine basis. Everyone’s dressing might be a little different, and it’s not always waterproof. Showering after this procedure is important, so make sure you understand how to handle this before your scheduled surgery.

The incision from the tummy tuck will fade over time, but perhaps not significantly until about one year. You can help with this fading by making sure it is protected from the sun, which should be easy since tummy tuck scars are meant to be hidden under swimsuits and bottoms. You will also be wearing a compression garment over your bandage (under your clothes) for a few weeks after your surgery. This will help your body adapt to its new, svelte shape and keep swelling and edema in check.

If you notice anything unusual during this time including pain, severe redness, excessive drainage, or feel feverish, that’s a sign to check with your healthcare provider right away. Any cloudiness or excess blood in the drain is also your cue to check in. You can reduce the odds of this happening by steering clear of strenuous activities in the weeks following the surgery. Your surgeon will give you a timeline of when you can return to various activities.

Scheduling Your Tummy Tuck Consult

You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how quickly the weeks following surgery fly by, especially as you can see your new shape take form. Use this time for self-care (and maybe some online shopping for some midriffs and bikinis). Schedule your tummy tuck surgery soon, and you’ll be able to show off that taut, flat tummy by summer vacation. Contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today by giving us a call, or for the fastest response simply complete the online contact form.