Want a Facelift? Don’t Forget About the Eyes!

Want a Facelift? Don’t Forget About the Eyes! | Dr. Shaun Parson

Want a Facelift? Don’t Forget About the Eyes!

The term “facelift” is a bit of a misnomer. Even a full facelift (compared to a mini lift) only fixes skin laxity and aging on the lower half of the face and the neck. By the time most people are good candidates for a full or mini facelift, they are also experiencing signs of aging around the eyes such as sagging, dropping, bags, and excess wrinkles. That’s why many patients at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center add an upper and/or lower blepharoplasty to their full lift or mini lift procedure. Only blepharoplasty can correct signs of aging around the eyes.

There is no ideal age for a facelift (or a blepharoplasty), although most people are in their 50s or better before they opt for this surgery. Those as young as their 30s might be a good candidate for a mini lift, which can erase the years and also delay the need for a full facelift by many years. However, do not start this journey thinking that a facelift is going to do anything to fix skin quality (such as sun spots) or the eyes. For this, you’re going to need additional procedures. Fortunately, both a lower and upper blepharoplasty are relatively quick, straightforward procedures that add little surgical or downtime to a facelift.

What to Know About Blepharoplasty

Upper and lower blepharoplasties are completely different procedures that address totally different concerns, but they are often performed together (and alongside a facelift). A lower bleph can get rid of excessive crinkling below the eyelids, bags, dark circles, and hollowness. We tend to collect pockets of fat in this area as we get older, so adding liposuction to a lower blepharoplasty is common. When this is the case, an incision is made inside the eyelid to remove fat (so you will never see it). The incision for the lower bleph is hidden right alongside the lash line. This allows for easy camouflage. Both invisible, dissolvable stitches are used as well as “regular” stitches that will need to be removed 5 – 7 days after the surgery. In other words, plan for one week off unless you’re comfortable going out and about with obvious stitches.

An upper blepharoplasty addresses sagging and wrinkling of the upper eyelids. If you have started to notice that your eyelids are drooping, you might be a good candidate for an upper bleph. This area tends to heal even faster than a lower blepharoplasty, though it does require stitches as well. The incision is made in the eye’s natural crease, so upon healing it is nearly impossible to see. Both types of blepharoplasties can cause temporary swelling and bruising, but you can speed up the healing process by sleeping in a propped up position and (if your surgeon allows) cold compresses. Due to the high blood flow around the eyes, blephs are known for their uber-fast recovery time.

Non-Surgical Add-Ons

Surgery focuses on excess skin as well as proper draping of the skin over tissue. The actual quality of the skin is not affected beyond a vast minimization of laxity, lines, wrinkles, and a crepe-like appearance. Don’t rejuvenate your face just half-way. If you have sun damage such as “liver spots” on your face or neck, that’s still going to age you. Coupling surgery with non-surgical treatments like a chemical peel or laser skin rejuvenation can drastically help.

In most cases, it’s best to wait until your facelift and/or other surgeries have healed to start your non-surgical treatments. Your provider will be able to see the final results and you get the added bonus of speeding up and improving the look of the incision scarring with many treatments! It can be tough to wait for “full” results, but it is well worth it. Consider non-surgical procedures an exciting treat when most of your surgical results are complete.

You can start planning your procedures today by scheduling a consultation at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center. The exact combination of procedures is going to depend on your body and goals. We’ll work together to put together the best customized plan for you! Simply give us a call during business hours or complete the online contact form right now.