Combine ResurFX with Microneedling for the Ultimate Results

Combine ResurFX with Microneedling | Dr. Shaun Parson

Combine ResurFX with Microneedling for the Ultimate Results

Laser skin rejuvenation and microneedling as individual treatments are already powerful—but what if you combined them? There are many lasers to choose from at Parson Skin Center, and the best one to pair with microneedling is ResurFX. It’s designed to address scars, fine lines, and sun damage with minimal downtime. The most common side effects are redness and light peeling that can last up to one week, but when it comes to lasers the most effective ones are going to call for a little recovery. Let’s take a look at why we love to put together this laser with microneedling and if it might be the one-two punch you need to welcome spring.

ResurFX is a kind of non-ablative laser that uses a scanner and fiber laser to target specific skin areas. During treatment, it creates fractionated spots so that skin doesn’t get too heated. This is in stark contrast to much more aggressive lasers like Fraxel, which heats up the entire skin area and requires significant downtime. A Fraxel treatment, when done right, calls for the provider to do the work to ensure cells in the same area aren’t heated (destroyed) twice. However, with ResurFX, the laser does that automatically—and perfectly, taking away the possibility for human error.

The Power of Rejuvenation

Prior to your ResurFX treatment, clients are slathered with a numbing agent to maximize comfort. Still, you may feel some heat or stinging during the treatment. Soreness is to be expected for about one week. ResurFX works best with 3 – 5 initial treatments spaced one month apart. This can be followed up with maintenance appointment every few months. One of the biggest benefits of ResurFX as a laser is that it can be used on all skin tones, but those with more melanin are going to need lower levels so that hypopigmentation won’t occur.

So, what does this have to do with microneedling? Quite a bit! Microneedling addresses a myriad of skin issues, including the same ones as ResurFX. It has been around in some form since the turn of the last century and was originally created as a means of treating those scarred by war. It’s a type of collagen induction therapy, stimulating collagen production from the inside out via controlled micro-trauma. Microneedling uses tiny needles to “harm” the skin, which in turn tells the body to start making more collagen and elastin in that area. Most clients opt for monthly microneedling sessions in order to sustain results.

How Two Treatments Work Together

Considering how ResurFX works, you may or may not be suitable to get both treatments at the same time. A better approach for many is alternating treatments so that you get the benefits of both laser skin rejuvenation and microneedling without needless aggravating the skin. Neither laser or microneedling provide immediate results and both require multiple sessions, but it’s worth it. Lasers will work on undoing damage on a superficial level, but are also another form of collagen induction therapy just like microneedling. In other words, you’re getting a double dose of collagen induction when you opt for ResurFX and microneedling together.

You can also combine microneedling (and lasers) with a serious upgrade to your at-home skin care regimen. Medical-grade topicals like moisturizers, serums, and more can take in-office results to the next level. Following up microneedling with a mild facial that infuses skin with the best concoction of ingredients can be most effective because the skin is “open” temporarily thanks to those microchannels. We can talk during your consultation or before your appointment about the best products for you so that you go into the seasonal changes armed with top of the line, dermatologist-approved topicals.

Customizing Treatments

Combining ResurFX with microneedling is just one popular pairing in our clinic. We work to create customized treatment plans for all of our clients so you get the results you want, fast. What do you want to achieve for your skin in 2023? Schedule a consultation with Parson Skin Center today and get on the fast track to making it happen. Give us a call today to learn more.