Resurface a Younger You with ResurFX Laser

Resurface a Younger You with ResurFX Laser | Dr. Shaun Parson

Resurface a Younger You with ResurFX Laser

With so many lasers on the market, it can be overwhelming—which one is right for you, your skin, and will give you the results you want? Parson Skin Center is home to the best lasers for all skin types, including the game-changing ResurFX laser. Made by Lumenis, it’s the latest fractional non-ablative laser on the market. Designed to address acne scars, lines and wrinkles, discoloration, and even stretch marks, this powerful yet gentle laser is ideal for all skin tones and types. Since it’s non-ablative, that means it doesn’t “ablate” (AKA damage) skin cells. The fractional part of the lasers means that it’s only affecting a “fraction” (AKA percentage) of the skin. In other words, you can get maximum results with minimal visible damage and downtime.

Many professionals compare the results to the much more aggressive CO2 laser. The CO2 laser gives a great outcome, but there is some significant redness and swelling to be expected with it. That’s not the case with ResurFX. CO2 laser treatments call for days of peeling and crusting, but most clients experience none of this with ResurFX. If you’re busy, in a high-profile position, or simply don’t have time for recovery, ResurFX might be for you.

There are Over 3,000 Skin Conditions: What ResurFX Treats

Got age spots or sun spots? How about lines and wrinkles? Discolored skin and hyperpigmentation—or just an uneven skin tone? Scars from acne or surgery? ResurFX treats it all, along with stretch marks/striae and even loose, lax skin. There are thousands of unique skin conditions, and most people have at least a few troublesome issues. ResurFX was created to address the most common problems. Lumenis is a leading maker of medical technologies, and they are equally committed to effectiveness, safety, and outcome, which is evident in their latest laser tech.

Non-ablative lasers work via collagen stimulation, but these results are not immediate. Clients need multiple ResurFX sessions spaced a few weeks apart to get the best outcome. Collagen takes time to be created, but in time your skin will become tighter, brighter, and clearer. The laser energy is delivered to the targeted area in micro dots, touching only a small part of the skin at a time. Even though you will need multiple treatments, each treatment requires just one pass. This makes appointments quick and easy to fit into any schedule. Skin might be a little red for a day or two post-treatment, but most people feel comfortable getting back to their daily tasks without any downtime.

Getting Ready for ResurFX

ResurFX was designed for comfort, but a topical numbing cream before your treatment makes the session even more comfortable. Plus, there’s a cooling air device built into the ResurFX device. The exact treatment time will depend on the areas being treated, but most appointments last 20 – 60 minutes on average. Just like with any laser skin rejuvenation, you should avoid direct sun exposure before and after the treatment. This is a great time to reassess your sun protection regimen and perhaps upgrade to a medical-grade sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. Avoid scheduling any holidays for two weeks after the treatment.

Most clients require 3 – 4 treatments every four weeks for the best results. Autumn and winter are the ideal time for any laser treatment since UV damage is relatively minimal and tropical getaways aren’t often scheduled during this time. Once you’ve reached your foundational 3 – 4 treatments, maintenance sessions can be scheduled every 6 – 12 months. Talk to your provider to learn more about your long-term laser plan.

Doubling Down on Collagen Induction

Many other treatments complement lasers like ResurFX, such as microneedling. Depending on your skin, you may be able to schedule microneedling during your ResurFX treatment, or your provider may recommend that you wait. Microneedling is the “original” collagen induction therapy and works by creating tiny micro-channels in the skin using specialized needles. It also encourages collagen induction, but through a different method. Redness and swelling can also be expected from microneedling for up to 48 hours.

Ready to find out more about lasers, collagen induction therapy, and other treatments available at Parson Skin Center. Give us a call today or, for the fastest response, complete the online contact form right now.