Does Every Tummy Tuck Need Lipo?

Does Every Tummy Tuck Need Lipo? | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Does Every Tummy Tuck Need Lipo?

Does Every Tummy Tuck Need Lipo? The short answer is usually liposuction is almost always performed along with a tummy tuck, but it is not part of a tummy tuck. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center usually recommends lipo with a tuck because this is an ideal time to further contour the body and remove stubborn pockets of fat without needing an additional incision or surgery. Plus, most people who are good candidates for a tummy tuck have experienced big weight fluctuations, whether from pregnancy or weight loss. If you have enough loose skin to qualify for a tummy tuck, you also probably have some lingering fat in this area. It’s perfectly normal and it’s also very easy to add on to your tummy tuck.

A tummy tuck (by itself) does two things: it removes extra skin and strengthens the abdominal muscles. The incision is long, but hidden below the underwear line. For women, C-section scars can sometimes be “reused” for a tummy tuck. Removing excess, lax skin is a relatively simple procedure—so why are tummy tucks considered so invasive? That comes down to the abdominal wall strengthening as well as the re-creation of a bellybutton.

All Tuck, No Rolls

When performing a tummy tuck, your surgeon also performs the same procedure as when diastasis recti is corrected. This ensures that your core is strong post-surgery. Most people who qualify for a tuck also have so much loose skin that their natural bellybutton is going to get distorted. This calls for your surgeon to create a “new” bellybutton in order for the results to look natural. The only time this isn’t necessary is if a mini-tuck is performed.

Contrary to the name, a mini tuck isn’t just a shorter incision. Rather, it strictly addresses lax skin below the bellybutton. Yes, the incisions are usually shorter, no bellybutton needs to be created, and abdominal muscles are not strengthened. This makes it a much less invasive procedure with shorter downtime. However, most people are not a good candidate for a mini lift. The majority of people with laxity on their stomach struggle with it in a much larger area.

What You Need to Know About Lipo

If you only want to remove fat on the stomach, you probably won’t need any additional incisions if you are getting a full tuck. That’s a bonus for many patients, but actually not a very big deal—the incisions for lipo are small (about the width of your pinky nail). They can look like a small biopsy scar, so avoiding “extra incisions” isn’t a top priority for most people. Instead, consider adding liposuction to a tummy tuck as a way to take advantage of general anesthesia.

It’s always best to minimize general anesthesia when it is not medically necessary. A lot of patients get liposuction in other areas of the body while getting a tuck, too, such as the thighs. Liposuction is a relatively quick and forthcoming surgery, although it still always requires general anesthesia. Talk to your surgeon about additional lipo areas if you’d like, or more ways to take your aesthetic to the next level.

The Mommy Makeover

Mommy makeovers aren’t any “set” number of surgeries, but rather two or more surgeries that address common problem areas post-partum. The three most common surgeries in a mommy makeover include a tummy tuck, liposuction, and a breast lift or breast augmentation. However, if you are looking to make the most of surgery, you can talk to your doctor to configure any type of surgeries that you are interested in.

It’s also important to know that just because you get a tummy tuck, that does not mean you can’t have a healthy pregnancy in the future. Skin, particularly on women’s stomachs, is exceptionally stretchy and flexible. However, future pregnancies or big weight shifts might call for another tuck in the future (or might not). This is simply something to consider if a tummy tuck is on your mind. You can learn more about tummy tucks, liposuction, and other cosmetic surgeries at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center by scheduling a consultation today. Give us a call or, for the quickest response, complete the online contact form now.