Have Diastasis Recti? Opt for a Tummy Tuck instead of a Medical Surgery

Have Diastasis Recti? Opt for a Tummy Tuck | Dr. Shaun Parson

Have Diastasis Recti? Opt for a Tummy Tuck instead of a Medical Surgery

Diastasis recti refers to the separation of the abdominal muscles, and it is relatively common post-pregnancy. If you’ve been diagnosed with this condition, you may have found out that there is a surgical approach that repairs these separated ab muscles —but did you know that a tummy tuck does the same thing while also dramatically improving sagging skin? Tummy tucks are one of the most popular surgeries at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, often included as part of a fully customized “mommy makeover.”

Why get a tummy tuck instead of “just” a medical surgery to repair those separated muscles? There are many reasons! First, if you have this common condition, you may assume that a medical surgery will be covered by your insurance—unfortunately, this is often not the case. This varies on a case-by-case basis, and it’s always a good idea to check with your insurance provider. However, since repairing diastasis recti is generally not covered by insurance, this means you’ll be paying out of pocket for this procedure. Why not improve your aesthetic and self-confidence if you’re already considering a surgical procedure?

Why Tummy Tucks Make Sense

Most people (men and women alike) who are considering a tummy tuck are interested in the aesthetic outcome. Tummy tucks are the only way to immediately, effectively, and permanently tighten loose, sagging skin. Skin is the biggest organ we have and it’s designed to be stretchy—but sometimes that’s too much of a good thing. When we experience big weight fluctuations, whether from pregnancy or weight gain/loss, our skin doesn’t always “snap back” like we’d like it to.

We also produce less collagen and elastin as we get older. These are the proteins in our skin that helps it stay taut and flexible. Genetics can also play a role, and some people simply produce more collagen and elastin than others. Tummy tucks provide an instant, flat, taut stomach by trimming away excess skin. The incision is made below the belt line with the intention to be covered by pants, underwear, or a swimsuit. However, all full tummy tucks also include the surgical method of tightening the ab muscles—this is the exact same procedure as a medical surgery for diastasis recti.

That’s right: if you get a tummy tuck, you’re automatically also getting a diastasis recti repair.

When a Tummy Tuck is More than a Tummy Tuck

A lot of people don’t realize just how comprehensive a full tummy tuck is. It’s much more than trimming away excess skin, even though that is what initially draws so many people to this surgery. In addition to diastasis recti repair, most full tummy tucks also require the recreation of a belly button. It’s rare for your original belly button to remain unaffected by a full tummy tuck, so creating a new bellybutton is par for the course during this surgery. It should be noted that abdominal “stitching” and bellybutton recreation is all part of a full tummy tuck and is not considered a separate surgery for billing purposes.

What is a separate procedure, but almost always added on to a tummy tuck, is liposuction. Liposuction is the only way to immediately and permanently remove unwanted fat. Most people interested in a tummy tuck have pockets of stubborn fat, and liposuction is a great way to optimize the results of a tummy tuck. It’s also always best to perform multiple desired procedures in the same location during the same surgery. This helps to minimize downtime and the very small risks associated with any surgery. There are generally two factors for those struggling to get a taut tummy: sagging skin and excess fat. Combining a tummy tuck with liposuction is the one-two punch that tackles both.

Is a Tummy Tuck for You?

If you have diastasis recti along with sagging stomach skin following a pregnancy, a tummy tuck might be the perfect procedure for you. You do not have to be finished having biological children to get this procedure, but do keep in mind that additional future surgeries to address ab separation, sagging skin, or both may be necessary.

Learn more about tummy tucksliposuction, and more at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center by scheduling your consultation today. Book online or call the office at (480) 282-8386.