Don’t Miss Out on Your Last Chance for a “Pandemic Facelift”

Your Last Chance for a “Pandemic Facelift” | Dr. Shaun Parson

Don’t Miss Out on Your Last Chance for a “Pandemic Facelift”

Cosmetic surgeries have boomed at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center and around the world in the past year as people realized a pandemic is the perfect time to undergo elective procedures. Never before has there been a global “excuse” to opt out of social obligations, travel, and even working in person. Facelifts have been particularly popular because in the pre-pandemic world, it was pretty tough to hide your face for more than a couple of days. Now, even if you do need to slip into a grocery store as you recover from a facelift, the requisite of a mask does an excellent job of hiding any swelling and minor bruising. However, we hopefully won’t have to hide our faces for much longer, giving you a chance to debut your “pandemic facelift.”

Millions of people are getting vaccinated every week and we are slowly starting to see a return to normality. Travel is picking up, and if you’re like a lot of people you might have plans to see friends and family this summer. If you’ve been working from home, maybe there have already been hints of a return to working in person. In short, there’s still a small window of time left to treat yourself to a facelift and enjoy the unparalleled excuse of staying home as you heal.

But did you know that facelift recovery probably isn’t as intensive as you imagine? We’ve come a long way since your mom’s facelift!

Today’s Facelift

The facelift of today is wholly customized just for you. There’s a full facelift, lower facelift, and mini facelift. Plus, today’s facelifts don’t “just” address sagging skin—that’s an outdated approach popular in the 1990s and early aughts that caused the “stretched” appearance. Facelifts today trim away excess skin but also address the underlying tissue. After all, it’s not only skin laxity that causes signs of aging but also the changes happening below the surface. A comprehensive facelift allows for a long-lasting outcome that is beautiful, dramatic, and yet still looks organic.

And what if you’re still too young for a full facelift? A mini facelift might be the solution for you! It’s a great option for those in their 30s and 40s who are wanting to be proactive about the initial signs of aging in the face, but aren’t quite ready for a full facelift yet. A mini facelift is just what it sounds like: it offers the benefits of a full facelift but on a smaller scale. This also means it requires smaller incisions and that the recovery period is even shorter. The results won’t last as long as with a full facelift, with a mini facelift’s results lasting about 5-7 years on average. However, this procedure often delays the need for a full facelift while giving patients the results they want.

Which Facelift is For You?

Most facelifts hide the very small incisions in the crevices of the ear. They are invisible to the naked eye upon healing and might be mistaken for a fresh piercing in the early days of healing. Today’s incisions are far from the “obvious” facelift incisions from 20 years ago, which were relatively long and placed behind the ear. Instead, today’s facelift incisions are often called “ponytail facelifts” because women can feel confident sweeping their hair up in a pony or bun knowing there won’t be any visible scars.

Of course, discreet incisions in the ear crevices also help men and those who prefer short hair to undergo a facelift with confidence. In some cases, a facelift incision might be made in the hairline (remember that every surgery is unique), but these incisions are made well into the hairy area so future hair thinning or balding should not be an issue.

Facelift Results

Getting a facelift doesn’t just help you look 10+ years younger, although that is a fantastic benefit. It also helps patients look healthier and happier. Signs of aging can cause what appears to be a scowl or a double chin when that isn’t the case. In fact, a full facelift inherently includes a necklift as part of the procedure—that’s right, it’s actually two surgeries in one! The incision necessary for a necklift is very small and made to be hidden below the chin.

Find out more about facelifts and take advantage of what seems to be the end of quarantine and social distancing by connecting with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today. Book your consultation online right now.