Breast Augmentation After Care

Breast Augmentation After Care | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Breast Augmentation After Care

Many patients are curious about the breast augmentation process and initial recovery period, but what happens after your implants have settled? Thinking ahead is critical for an effective surgery, which is why Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center takes a holistic approach to cosmetic surgery. Implants typically don’t have an “expiration date” and there are many patients who happily have the same implants for several years. However, a lot of patients like to change things up every 10 – 15 years, implant changes that include a different size, shape, or type. When considering breast augmentation, it’s a good idea to think about the long-term effects and what to expect.

It is rare for any kind of implant to get punctured or torn. For those with saline implants, should this unlikely event occur, it will be obvious and will require an additional surgery to replace the implant. Those with silicone and gummy bear implants, which are most popular, will not necessarily know if an implant is punctured—however, this isn’t inherently dangerous since silicone is designed to stay in place. Still, it’s a good idea to have your breast implants checked whenever you have your gynecological exam, too. Of course, any time there is pain, swelling, or change in your implants after the recovery period (which is the first six months after surgery), it’s important to see your surgeon or doctor immediately.

What to Look Out For After Surgery

Breast implants are generally considered sturdy and safe—but they are not a “get it and forget it” surgery. There are some rare complications that can occur months or years after implant placement, such as capsular contracture. This happens when the scar tissue near the implant contracts, keloids, and/or squeezes the implant. Some scar tissue is to be expected inside the breast and, in normal circumstances, this process is a good thing. It helps keep them in place. There is also the rare risk of chest wall deformity, displacement, and breast tissue atrophy—but don’t let this worry you. Every surgery comes with potential risks, and knowing what they entail can ensure you are an informed patient who knows what to look out for.

In addition to talking to your gynecologist about your implants, it can be a good idea to get your implants checked every year—especially for those who are 40+. This can be part of your mammogram or annual physical. Although any reputable MD should be able to determine if implants are healthy, it’s always best to see a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation. A sonogram every two years for those 40+ and whose implants are 3+ years old is a good way to check on any “silent ruptures,” which are the most common type for silicone implants. It’s a quick, easy, painless study and will also give you peace of mind.

Taking Care of Your Implants

There are also ways you can take care of your implants in between doctor checks. For example, wearing a good support bra that is fitted for you—particularly while exercising—is important. Also remember that your body will change over the years, and your implants should keep up with those changes. The science behind implants keeps getting better and better, so at the ten year mark you might want to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon to see if “upgrading” your implants is the right move.

Just like you perform monthly breast checks for lumps and bumps, you should also know what your implants feel like six months after healing so you can compare that during monthly checks. If anything seems different, it’s time to see a doctor to make sure everything is okay.

The Healing Process

Remember that the initial healing period takes about six months, though things might seem “normal” at about two months. However, inside there are still a lot of changes happening. It takes about three months for implants to “fluff and drop,” which is when they settle into their intended position. Before that time, implants might appear higher and firmer than they will ultimately be. Routine photos in the first six months can help you gauge progress.

Of course, for the best and longest lasting results, only work with a reputable surgeon and practice like Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center. To schedule your consultation for breast augmentation, call the office during business hours or complete the online contact form right now.