Benefits of a Body Lift

Benefits of a Body Lift | Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery, Scottsdale

Benefits of a Body Lift

A body lift performed at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery can be a life-changing procedure for some. It’s ideal for bariatric patients or those who have lost a significant amount of weight naturally and suffer from loose skin and excess tissue. It’s major surgery and shouldn’t be taken lightly; however, a successful body lift can produce numerous benefits both cosmetic and functional.

Create a Smoother Body Contour

Have you put forth the hard work and lost the weight only to be left with folds of draping skin disguising your results? Following massive weight loss, much of your skin has lost its elasticity and has been overly stretched where it’s unable to retract back to a more appealing shape. Therefore, the loose and extra skin is left hanging. A body lift removes the skin folds and tightens the remaining skin to achieve a streamlined body contour. A body lift can combine several body contouring procedures, including an arm lift, liposuction or a tummy tuck, to give you a more streamlined appearance.

Eliminate The Possibility of Infection

Not all body lift benefits are cosmetic. Loose skin can repeatedly rub together becoming extremely painful. This can lead to open sores and further complications. On top of chaffing, when there are folds of skin, it can be difficult to keep clean and dry, which can also lead to severe skin conditions. By removing the extra skin, you reduce your risk of developing skin irritation or a possible infection.

Improve Overall Wellbeing

When you’re not happy with the way you look, your emotional well-being can take a major hit. This can lead to depression and isolation. If you feel good, you’re able to process things better and be more efficient while working. A body lift will allow for more and better clothing options and can make it possible for you to participate in physical activities you previously found difficult. This alone will improve your self-confidence and help you mentally. You’ll finally be able to show off the curves that have been hiding and walk into a room with much-deserved confidence.

Take the Final Step In Your Weight Loss Journey with a Body Lift at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery

A body lift requires much experience and expertise. Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson has the knowledge and skill, along with the necessary compassion, to perform your body lift procedure and give you contouring results that will be life-changing. If you’ve been successful at losing the weight and are ready to see your results by removing the skin that’s hiding your hard work, contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery at (480) 282-8386 and schedule your body lift consultation.