The Best Part of a HydraFacial (it’s Not What You Think)

The Best Part of a HydraFacial | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

The Best Part of a HydraFacial (it’s Not What You Think)

The HydraFacial is the revolutionary 3-step facial that is SO MUCH MORE than a facial. It’s one of the most-requested treatments at Parson Skin Center, and it is suitable for all skin tones and types. In quick succession, the HydraFacial exfoliates, extracts the pores, and infuses the skin with medical-grade skincare products using a proprietary “wet vacuum” device. It leaves your skin unbelievably smooth and supple, and even though it’s very powerful it’s also gentle enough to use on a routine basis. Most people fall so in love with the HydraFacial that they treat themselves on a monthly basis.

So, what’s the best part of a HydraFacial? All the gunk you get to see at the end. Very little prep is needed for a HydraFacial, but your provider will cleanse the skin so that it’s ready for the ultimate indulgent experience. The “wet vac” portion of the HydraFacial collects all of the debris from the skin’s surface as well as whatever is hiding in your pores, storing it in a transparent tube. Once your HydraFacial is complete, you can see exactly what was dulling your skin. If you remember the strange joy in peeling away those Biore strips years ago, just wait until you see your unique HydraFacial gunk reveal (and by the way? Skip the Biore strips—they do a subpar job at extraction).

Who Should Get a HydraFacial?

HydraFacials are for (almost) everyone, and can be used on all skin tones and types. Clients of all ages love HydraFacials because they dramatically improve the skin in just 30 minutes. There’s no downtime (your skin doesn’t even get pink!) and you can immediately get back to your day. Schedule a HydraFacial the day of a big event, and you’ll make the most of that post-treatment glow. However, those with open wounds should wait until healing is more progressed before scheduling a HydraFacial.

HydraFacials can be a one-and-done experience for a big day, but for optimal results monthly treatments are recommended. It’s not possible to keep pores cleaned out forever, especially if you have a solid skin care regimen that includes moisturizers and sunscreen. Instead, in-office exfoliation and skin extraction are the best approach for skin that is youthful, healthy, and beautiful.

Another benefit of the HydraFacial is the ability to test out medical-grade skincare products without committing to a whole bottle. Medical-grade products are exclusively used with HydraFacials, and you can immediately tell the difference. Our skin is the largest organ we have, and with over 3,000 unique skin conditions it’s impossible that you’ll benefit from the same skincare routine for months (or even years in some cases). Routinely checking in with a skin expert to adjust your products is highly recommended, and during a HydraFacial is the perfect time to check out new-t0-you products.

The HydraFacial Difference

Unlike other “facials,” which simply apply topicals to the skin (perhaps with some brief manual wiping away of surface debris first), the HydraFacial actually prepares the skin for the topical portion. Exfoliation and extraction are critical components missing from most facials. However, exfoliation and extraction can be lacking or even dangerous when performed at home (you’ve been told not to squeeze pores to get the gunk out for a reason). Only a trained professional can and should undertake more aggressive exfoliation and extraction services.

The HydraFacial pairs well with virtually any other service available at Parson Skin Center, both surgical and non-surgical. In many instances, you can undergo a HydraFacial at the same time as other treatments. If you want to take any treatment to the next level, properly preparing and cleansing your skin is critical. The HydraFacial took the world by storm, with celebrities around the globe raving about the results. It revolutionized the facial, and now is the perfect time to get your skin summer-ready.

Winter months tend to dry out the skin, but a HydraFacial imbues it with a serious shot of moisturizer. Get ready for warmer months and treat yourself to an experience like no other. To schedule your HydraFacial or learn more about what you should pair with this treatment for your unique skin goals, get in touch today. Contact Parson Skin Center by calling the office or completing the online contact form.