The Best Candidates for a Breast Lift

The Best Candidates for a Breast Lift | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

The Best Candidates for a Breast Lift

Have you wondered if a breast augmentation or breast lift is the best surgery to reach your goals? Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center specializes in both procedures, and always works closely with patients to understand their needs and what they’d like to achieve. There are many women who are happy with the volume of their breasts (size) but want to regain the perkiness and taut skin they used to have.

There are many issues that can cause sag in the breast and lax skin. Genetics plays a role, as does aging. Women who have breastfed or who had large weight fluctuations are at a higher risk of having crepe-like skin, as well as nipples that point downward. Everybody produces less collagen and elastin with age, and these are the key elements in skin that help it “snap back.”

Every woman will experience a reduction in tautness with age, and this excess breast tissue can lead to a decrease in self-confidence. Maybe you don’t wear the same styles and clothes you used to because you feel better with extra support (such as an underwire bra). Perhaps “bra bulge” has become a big consideration when you’re shopping for sleeveless shirts and dresses.

A breast lift is a great procedure for women who want to maintain the same breast volume they have now, but get rid of excess and saggy skin. Bear in mind that sometimes the perceived volume of the breast may look a little smaller after surgery. This is because excess skin can sometimes create the illusion of larger breasts.

Knowing your ideal cup size is a great way to start a conversation about a breast lift with your surgeon. They will be able to tell you what amount of breast tissue you actually have as well as the amount of excess skin. After a breast lift, you’ll be able to enjoy perky breasts, appropriate nipple alignment, and increased confidence.

Schedule a Breast Lift Consultation at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center Today!

Depending on breast size, you may be confident in wearing clothes you haven’t in years—or ever. The option to go braless (or wear bras without an underwire) and a wide range of clothing styles are just a few benefits of a breast lift surgery. To schedule your breast lift consultation in Scottsdale at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, call (480) 282-8386.