Put Down that At-Home “Microneedling” Kit and Call Parson Skin Center

Put Down that At-Home “Microneedling” Kit | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Put Down that At-Home “Microneedling” Kit and Call Parson Skin Center

Microneedling has been around for decades, and really became popular as the beloved in-office treatment we know today in the 1990s. Parson Skin Center recommends microneedling as an add-on treatment to virtually any other procedure, but it can also be a fantastic standalone treatment. Of course, like any in-demand treatment that actually works, it didn’t take long for knockoff, at-home “microneedling” kits to become available. After all, why pay for in-office microneedling when you could just DIY. How hard could it be? The reality is that these home kits simply aren’t the same quality as the medical-grade products available at your doctor’s office—and in some cases they can be dangerous.

Microneedling works by creating tiny holes in the upper layers of the skin. As you can imagine, that probably isn’t something you should be doing yourself! Perfect micro-injuries require not only the right technology but the right expert application. Microneedling devices you can buy in stores or online simply aren’t the same as medical-grade devices available in-office. Medical-grade products legally cannot be sold directly to customers, so what you’re purchasing is something else entirely. The needles are different lengths and sizes, which means the results are going to be ineffective at best and might cause lasting damage or infection at worst.

The Medical Difference: Microneedling

Microneedling encourages the skin to heal itself, getting tighter and clearer in the process. This is because ideal micro-injuries tell the body to start producing collagen at the injury site. However, as anyone who has experienced a more severe injury knows, sometimes injuries can cause scarring and hyperpigmentation. Unfortunately, that’s what some DIY microneedlers have found out the hard way. If the injury isn’t just right, you can actually cause more damage to the skin. In a twist of fate, sometimes the recommended treatment to get rid of these results is actually professional microneedling.

Today’s professional microneedling devices are also much more advanced than they used to be. It isn’t as simple as rolling a device across the skin to create little puncture wounds that will encourage collagen production. Today’s microneedling sometimes features various modes, radiofrequency, and ways to control the speed at which the needles enter the skin. Deep-rooted issues will require a very unique touch both to access the problem area and to ensure a comfortable experience for the patient. All of these factors are simply not available when people opt for an at-home DIY treatment.

The Right Microneedling Approach

It’s tempting to want to do as much as you can for your skin at home and save money in the process. However, these at-home devices simply aren’t going to deliver the results you want. In fact, sometimes these devices leave people seeking out both surgical and non-surgical treatments after scarring and hyperpigmentation occurs. Any treatment that requires needles should only be performed by a professional.

Another factor to consider is your comfort. Microneedling is designed to be completely comfortable and pain-free (even though hundreds or even thousand of needles might be going into your skin!). To ensure optimal comfort, office treatments often use a topical numbing cream. This is especially helpful for those with issues deeper in the skin. Over the counter numbing creams just can’t compare. If you want a safe experience that actually works and doesn’t hurt, you need to trust a professional with your microneedling treatment.

Scheduling Your Microneedling Consultation

Microneedling is a procedure that, when performed by a professional, requires no downtime. There might be some immediate, slight redness that looks like you spent your lunch hour in the sun but this typically goes away within 24 hours. There are no special after-care instructions and you will continue to see improvements in skin for weeks following your treatment. Whether you want to schedule microneedling by itself or add it on to another treatment, it’s always a fantastic treat and can be used on all skin types.

Schedule your microneedling session today or add it on to an existing appointment. Call Parson Skin Center at (480) 282-8386.