Mom of 2 Shares Her Emsculpt Journey

Mom of 2 Shares Her Emsculpt Journey | Dr. Shaun Parson

Mom of 2 Shares Her Emsculpt Journey

Like a lot of moms, Emily Ann Gemma doesn’t have a lot of time on her hands. She wanted a solution to poor muscle tone and skin laxity, especially on her stomach, as a post-partum mother of two. Emsculpt is one of the most popular non-invasive treatments at Parson Skin Center for anyone looking to tone and tighten up, and moms are especially fans of this treatment. Pregnancy can seriously change the body, causing weight gain, skin looseness, and poor muscle tone. You can’t “spot reduce” at the gym, which is why Emsculpt technologies also feature a means of burning fat at the target site. Now, you can use BTL options like Emsculpt to tackle your most troublesome areas—like the belly.

Emsculpt works to build muscle and burn fat at the same time with radiofrequency energy. Each site takes just 30 minutes and most people require 4 – 6 foundational sessions spaced a few weeks apart. That means that if you start right now, you can enjoy full results in time for swimsuit season. Emsculpt is the only non-invasive tech that uses this form of energy for results you can really see. Every Emsculpt session forces targeted muscles into 20,000 supramaximal contractions, which is the same as doing 20,000 perfect crunches. Obviously, results aren’t immediate because muscles take time to recover, build, and heal, but you’ll start seeing results about one month after the first treatment.

Emsculpt for Everyone

On average, Emsculpt yields a 25 percent increase in muscle mass. This is fantastic news for moms who especially struggle to tone up the midsection. According to Gemma, when she first scheduled her Emsculpt appointment she was wary of all the hype—would it actually work? But she was quickly converted to be yet another fan, saying the results spoke for themselves. “You can see in my before and after [photos] that my stomach looks slimmer as if there was less fat on top of the muscle on my stomach.” Gemma told New Beauty that “you can also see that the curves or lines on the muscle areas are more defined and sharper.”

Gemma was so happy with the outcome after just one session that she scheduled numerous follow-up treatments. Every Emsculpt experience is different, but many are like Gemma and these clients want to keep getting Emsculpt to sustain and improve not only their results but their efforts at the gym. Emsculpt is not a replacement for working out, but a complement to it. It can be a fantastic option to take results to the next level or work through plateaus.

The Emsculpt Experience

Emsculpt is not uncomfortable, but it can be a strange sensation for first-timers. After all, it’s literally forcing your muscles to contract (work out). However, it’s also a very popular treatment to live-stream on social media. Some clients scroll through their phone during their half-hour treatment, others read a book, and some catch up on shows. Plus, you can also book back-to-back sessions. Emsculpt can be used anywhere you want to build muscle such as the abs, buttocks, upper arms, and legs.

It can take 3 – 6 months after your final treatment to really see the results, so you’ll want to start your own Emsculpt journey now. Winter is the ideal time to begin a regimen that takes time to work, but patience is a virtue. The winter holidays are also a great period for Emsculpt because these treatments can help bridge the gap that happens when you just can’t make it to the gym in December. You can also combine Emsculpt with surgical treatments like liposuction to really take results to the next level. Only liposuction can actually remove larger amounts of fat and results are immediate (though of course, a brief recovery period is required).

To learn more about Emsculpt and other options available to achieve your goals in 2023, schedule a consultation with Parson Skin Center today. We’ll work together to help you look and feel your best. Give us a call during business hours or complete the online contact form for the quickest response.