Minimally Invasive Skin Care Treatments Booming

Minimally Invasive Skin Care Treatments Booming | Dr. Shaun Parson

Minimally Invasive Skin Care Treatments Booming

Even the most selfie-obsessed social media guru has spent more time than ever in recent months staring at themselves—and not by choice. With Zoom meetings being scheduled non-stop, you’ve probably already figured out the best place in your home for optimal lighting (and maybe even invested in a high-quality light), but why not get to the root of the problem? The reality is that our skin isn’t getting worse, we’re just more aware of it. That has led to a high demand for minimally invasive and non-invasive MediSpa treatments at Parson Skin Center including microneedling with the Dermapen and SkinPen. But what exactly is the difference between all of these treatments?

First let’s discuss the difference between microneedling and microdermabrasion—yet another skin care term to learn! Microdermabrasion rejuvenates skin and has been used in the U.S. since the 1990s. A lot of people are familiar with it. Microneedling as we know it today is a little newer, although technically it’s been available for decades. Microdermabrasion is a means of exfoliating skin to rejuvenate it while microneedling causes tiny injuries that kickstart collagen and elastin production.

Skin Care for Trying Times

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, microdermabrasion is one of the top five procedures in the U.S. today. It buffs the skin’s surface with some sort of ablative material—usually sodium bicarbonate crystals—with the purpose of removing dead skin cells. The result is skin that is softer, brighter, and clearer. At the same time, there’s a suction device that removes the dead cells while circulation is improved. Microdermabrasion is totally non-invasive and takes 30 – 60 minutes on average. However, it only addresses the surface level of the skin and not the root cause of dull, poor quality skin.

Microneedling works by harnessing the healing powers of your own body. It’s just what it sounds like: very small needles that puncture the skin, but these needles are so tiny that you won’t see the “wounds” with the naked eye. Medical-grade microneedling devices also allow for customized needle depths so that ultimate results are achieved. Sometimes you might hear microneedling called collagen induction therapy because that’s what it does—induces collagen production. Collagen is what keeps our skin looking young and healthy, but we produce less of it as we age. When the skin is injured, our body starts creating new (and more!) collagen at the trauma site. Microneedling results aren’t immediate like with microdermabrasion because it takes your body awhile to produce the necessary collagen. Instead, you’ll start seeing results a couple of weeks after your treatment.

Microneedling Goes Farther

In the early days of microneedling, it was delivered by a dermal roller. This little roller had tiny steel needles that were (as you likely guessed) rolled across the treatment area. You may have seen “dermal rollers” for sale for home use, but these products can be useless at best and dangerous at worst. You should only trust a professional with a medical-grade device (that is never legally available to the public) to get safe results from microneedling.

Today’s microneedling has dramatically improved since the days of dermal rolling. The SkinPen has taken microneedling to the next level with better results. It’s more hygienic because the needle cartridges are disposable, so you always know you’re the only one who has used the needles. Plus, the actual design of the pen allows professionals to get small and tough to access areas. This cutting-edge technology can be paired with the best skin care products to get even better results. Applying recommended products after a SkinPen session means the products can better saturate the skin and yield gorgeous results.

Microneedling for Every Skin Type

There’s also the Dermapen, which is a different kind of microneedling pen that offers segmented delivery. The Dermapen tip features 12 needles developed from patented technologies, which means more safety enhancements. Some people prefer Dermapen while others like SkinPen—one isn’t necessarily “better” than the other.

No matter your skin type or tone, the suite of microneedling options available means there’s a solution for you. Microneedling can help with hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, and poor skin texture. Learn more or schedule your microneedling appointment at Parson Skin Center today by calling (480) 282-8386.