Which Procedure is Right for You: Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

Liposuction vs.Tummy Tuck | Dr. Shaun Parson Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon

Which Procedure is Right for You: Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

If you have a little extra in your midsection, then you may be considering plastic surgery options. Whether you’ve given birth to children or experienced sudden weight fluctuations, there are cosmetic procedures that may benefit you. The most common procedures that focus on remedying the appearance of the stomach are liposuction and tummy tuck. However, these procedures yield different results, and it’s important to understand that moving forward.

There are a variety of reasons that a person may be unhappy with their stomach. Whether you have excess weight or loose skin, you can find comfort in knowing that there are effective options available. When it comes to plastic surgery, education is essential. The more you know, the more empowered you are to come to the right choice for your body and health.

Let’s take a look at the basics of liposuction and tummy tuck. Learning more about these standard procedures can lend itself to preparing you for future talks with your chosen plastic surgeon.

What Liposuction can do for Your Stomach

Liposuction works well for targeted fat removal. If you have excess fat on your sides or abdomen, then liposuction can be used efficiently on those areas by removing the bulging fat deposits. Of course, liposuction isn’t limited to only the stomach; it can be used virtually all over the body.

Keep in mind; liposuction isn’t designed to repair sagging skin. This is an ideal procedure if you have good skin elasticity and simply want to remove stubborn fat that isn’t responding well to exercise or diet.

What a Tummy Tuck can do for Your Stomach

A tummy tuck is much more invasive than liposuction. This procedure is ideal if you have loose, flabby skin typically following weight loss or pregnancy. It can also work to tighten your abdominal muscles. This is not a fat-removal procedure.

Remember, a tummy tuck includes an incision and some scarring. It will not work to remove love handles, but it will tighten and contour the shape of the stomach.

Choosing the Right Treatment

Dr. Shaun Parson is a highly skilled plastic surgeon in the Scottsdale area. He is committed to helping his patients achieve their best results by selecting the procedure that is right for them. Contact him today at (480) 282-8386 to discuss your options. It’s time to take the first step to looking and feeling your absolute best. Allow Dr. Shaun Parson’s years of experience to guide you in the right direction.