With Kybella, You DON’T Need Liposuction Under the Chin

With Kybella, You DON’T Need Liposuction | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

With Kybella, You DON’T Need Liposuction Under the Chin

Liposuction is the most popular and one of the least aggressive of the plastic surgeries—but it’s still a surgery. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center offers liposuction of just about any part of the body or face, but understandably a lot of clients would prefer to avoid surgery if they can. If you’re struggling with a double chin, there’s great news! You probably don’t need liposuction because you can permanently remove that stubborn unwanted fat with Kybella injections.

Prior to Kybella, liposuction was the only way to immediately and permanently remove fat. Liposuction literally suctions the fat out of the body, and doing so requires anesthesia and very small incisions. Recovery from liposuction can include bruising and swelling. It’s well worth it, but what if you could get the same results without anesthesia or surgery? That’s what Kybella achieves, and it’s a great solution for all types of clients.

Why Do We Get Double Chins?

You don’t have to be overweight to have a double chin. Plenty of very slender people have them, and for the most part it’s genetic. If one of your parents had a double chin, there’s a chance you will, too. Everyone has unique fat distribution that is guided by hereditary markers. The combination of a “weak chin” profile with a genetic predisposition to a little extra fat under the chin (called submental fat) spells disaster for a lot of people. Most of us typically tend to gather more fat under the chin as we get older (lax skin doesn’t help this look), but there are even very young people who have a double chin.

Ultimately, it’s a toss-up whether you’ll have a double chin or not. Some people do get them from excess weight, but there’s no guarantee that losing weight will vanquish your double chin. Remember, there’s no such thing as spot reduction—at least, there wasn’t until now.

How Kybella Works

Kybella is a series of injections using synthetic deoxycholic acid. This acid already occurs naturally in the body, and it’s our inherent fat buster that literally dissolves fat cells. Once those cells are destroyed, they are naturally metabolized by the body. A Kybella “injection” is actually a special medical-grade stamp of hundreds of specialized needles. It’s necessary to stamp the submental fat with deoxycholic acid to achieve a natural and even dissolvement of fat. Most clients require between 3 – 6 sessions to get the look they want.

Why multiple sessions? Why can’t we just put in the right amount of deoxycholic acid the first time? It’s critical to ensure not too much fat is dissolved, as fat dissolved with this treatment can’t come back. That means that using too much Kybella in one treatment session carries a huge risk of causing extra, irreversible fat loss. It’s important for the professional injector to see exactly how your fat responds to the treatment and customize following sessions accordingly. Remember, unlike “losing” fat through diet or exercise, once fat is removed or dissolved—either from liposuction or deoxycholic acid—those specific cells never return.

Kybella Results

Many clients can achieve the same results with Kybella as they would with liposuction, but without the slight risks of surgery, downtime, and incision scarring. You may experience some redness, minor swelling, and bruising after injections (just like with any injection), but given the placement of Kybella it is not easy to see. Most clients can immediately get back to their daily tasks after their quick Kybella appointment.

However, also keep in mind that our bodies continue to change over time. Sometimes a double chin is caused not just by excess fat, but also skin laxity. In this case, for those who want to avoid surgery, Kybella coupled with a skin-tightening treatment like microneedling can be a great approach. In cases of severe skin laxity, you may actually benefit from liposuction coupled with a facelift (as a facelift almost always includes the lifting of the lower face as well as a neck lift, or the removal of excess skin in these areas).

Find out which treatment plan is best for you by calling Parson Skin Center at (480) 282-8386.