Dissolve Your Double Chin with Non-Surgical Kybella

Dissolve Your Double Chin with Non-Surgical Kybella | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Dissolve Your Double Chin with Non-Surgical Kybella

You don’t have to be overweight to develop a double chin. Of course, a few extra pounds doesn’t help to prevent one, but age and genetics can be all that it takes to lead to the much-dreaded turkey wattle. Regardless if it’s because of weight gain or a reason out of your control, trying to get rid of the extra fat under your chin can be a challenge. Diet and exercise usually offer little assistance, forcing you to look elsewhere for a solution. Parson Skin Center offers Kybella to help rid your chin of the extra fat to give you a contoured profile.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable made from deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring chemical found in the body. Deoxycholic acid is responsible for absorbing and breaking down fat cells. It works by destroying the internal structure of the cells so your body can naturally dispose of them through the lymphatic system. Your body isn’t always able to produce enough deoxycholic acid to get rid of fat in the places you need it the most, such as under the chin. That’s where Kybella from Scottsdale medispa Parson Skin Center can help.

The Kybella Procedure

One of our skilled injectors will begin your Kybella treatment by cleaning and prepping your chin area. Kybella injections are not painful, but a numbing agent can be applied to ensure your comfort. Using a very small needle, Kybella is injected underneath your chin. Depending on the amount of fat you have, a single session can require up to 50 injections and take 30 minutes to complete. Multiple sessions are usually required. No downtime is necessary, and you are free to return to your normal schedule immediately. Results are gradual as your body absorbs the concentrated form of deoxycholic acid and slowly destroys the fat and flushes it from your system.

Schedule a Consultation with Parson Skin Center and Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin

Don’t let a double chin strip you of your confidence. Now you can rid yourself of that unflattering chin fat without surgery and a downtime thanks to Kybella. In a matter of minutes, you can begin to dissolve your double chin for a slimmer and more defined jawline. Contact Parson Skin Center at (480) 282-8386 to schedule your Kybella consultation.