Gym Still Closed? Emsculpt Gives You the Muscle Tone You’ve Lost—or Never Had!

Gym Still Closed? Emsculpt Gives You the Muscle Tone |Dr. Shaun Parson

Gym Still Closed? Emsculpt Gives You the Muscle Tone You’ve Lost—or Never Had!

At first it was great, having the perfect excuse to skip the gym—but now reality has set in. Parson Skin Center has seen an influx of patients clamoring for Emsculpt sessions and with good reason. Emsculpt is the only way to tone and strengthen muscles without having to lift a finger (or a dumbbell). If you were a gym rat before the pandemic, you know how quickly you can lose muscle tone that takes weeks and even months to rebuild. And if you’re like a lot of people in Arizona, you probably thought the lockdown (and lack of access to gyms!) wasn’t going to last so long.

Even if your gym has re-opened, maybe you’re playing it safe and steering clear of unnecessary exposures. That’s a smart move, but your muscles are suffering for it. It’s pretty easy to find new ways to enjoy cardio while social distancing, such as cycling or jogging outside to soak up some of that Arizona sunshine. Strength training is tougher at home. Most people don’t have the space to create an entire at-home gym system and if you’re sharing your home with others then getting the time, peace, and quiet to actually work out your muscles is nearly impossible. That’s where Emsculpt in Phoenix can help.

Understanding How Muscles Work

Emsculpt is a revolutionary, non-invasive technology that works muscles exactly like you do at the gym. When talking about “getting toned,” what we really mean is enlarging the muscles (hypertrophy) by creating micro-tears in the fibers. The body is pretty smart. When we lift weights, our muscles protect themselves and our bodies by using supramaximal contractions. When we lift weights that are just a little too heavy, tiny tears happen in the muscular fibers. As these tears repair (which requires protein!), the muscles create a good kind of scar tissue, making them bigger and stronger so you can bear the weight next time.

However, if we stop challenging our muscles with weight training, the muscles “realize” they no longer need to be so big and strong. That’s when muscle loss occurs, also known as atrophy. We also experience a natural type of atrophy, known as sarcopenia, as we get older. Our bodies are simply designed to “think” that we don’t need such big, strong muscles as we get older. So, for those of us over 30, right now we’re struggling with muscle loss due lack of access to the gym and sarcopenia.

Understanding Emsculpt in Phoenix

So, how does Emsculpt play a role in all of this? This treatment works by forcing targeted muscles into 20,000 perfect supramaximal contractions in just 30 minutes per site. That means your muscles react just like you performed 20,000 lunges, bicep curls, crunches, or other strength training movement. Sure, your body is smart, but so is Emsculpt. Ultimately, your muscles don’t know or care if they’re contracting due to lifting a weight or from Emsculpt. Plus, it’s impossible for even the most elite athletes to perform 20,000 strength-training moves in 30 minutes with utter perfection.

That’s why you don’t need to do Emsculpt on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. Once your initial treatment sets with Phoenix Emsculpt have been completed (spaced one week apart), you only require maintenance sessions every few months. Another benefit of Emsculpt is that you’re only targeting the muscles you want. In traditional strength training, you have “helper” muscles that help you safely perform each move—and that’s not always a good thing for the aesthetic you want. For instance, some people naturally depend more on their thigh muscles when performing squats or lunges even though they really want a bigger bum. It’s frustrating to see your legs get bigger while your derriere stays the same size.

That’s no longer an issue when you get Emsculpt in Phoenix. You can target just the glute muscles to sculpt and create the shape you want. In other words, Emsculpt doesn’t just achieve the same results as traditional weight training, but you get better and more customized results.

Prepping for Emsculpt

Emsculpt can be performed just about anywhere on the body you’d like including the legs, butt, stomach, and upper arms. Since it only requires 30 minutes per site, this is also a quick and easy treatment. Many patients scroll through their phone or answer emails during their treatment. It’s also an ideal procedure for those who want to get in and out as quickly as possible, either due to a busy schedule or to minimize exposure—but don’t worry about that latter part. We follow CDC-recommended sanitation practices.

Want to learn more about Emsculpt in Phoenix or schedule your session? Call Parson Skin Center at (480) 282-8386 today.