Get the Gloss Ranks ResurFx as One of the Best Lasers for Acne & Acne Scarring

Get the Gloss Ranks ResurFx | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Get the Gloss Ranks ResurFx as One of the Best Lasers for Acne & Acne Scarring

If you have acne—either active acne and/or scarring—laser skin rejuvenation can help you get clear, healthy-looking skin. But with so many lasers on the market, how can you choose the right one? Parson Skin Center is a medical day spa that offers all of the best lasers, and a consultation can help determine which is right for you and your skin. However, Get the Gloss recently featured a list of which lasers to use for which concern, and ranked ResurFx as one of the best for all stages of acne.

Scarring from acne is different than other types of scarring. These scars can be deep, which means you’re going to need a certain kind of laser. Other skin concerns, like skin tags, moles, and warts, are better addressed with CO2 lasers (also available at Parson Skin Center). However, ResurFx gives serious results without breaking the skin’s surface thanks to uber-hot stimulation that is delivered deep into the dermis. The textural results from such a laser can be dramatic.

What is ResurFx?

ResurFx is a fractional, non-ablative laser that doesn’t require a lot of downtime. In other words, it’s gentle. Unlike ablative lasers, which affect the skin’s surface, it’s only addressing a “fraction” of the target site. It can pinpoint cells for noticeable improvement with little discomfort. For those with sensitive skin or treating sensitive areas, a topical numbing solution can be applied at the start of your appointment. Although ResurFx is a great solution for acne and acne scarring, it’s also renowned for making skin appear clearer, firmer, tighter, and more youthful—something everyone wants.

You can use ResurFx to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, undo mild discoloration like sun spots, lighten stretch marks, and firm up loose skin. It can also help with some surgical scars, too. The heat energy from the laser is directed deep into the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production. When new collagen is produced, skin naturally gets tighter. ResurFx basically lets your provider tell your skin exactly where to create more collagen. Collagen and elastin are the natural building blocks of youthfulness, but we create less as we get older. ResurFx and other collagen induction treatments redirect the collagen control back into our hands.

Is ResurFx Right for You?

ResurFx is precise and was developed by laser experts. It’s an FDA-approved treatment that has been clinically shown time and time again to give noticeable results. In most cases, ResurFx only takes 30 – 45 minutes (depending on the treatment sites). Many people will see results after just one treatment, but keep in mind that results are cumulative. Multiple sessions are recommended, and most people get optimal results after 3 – 4 sessions spaced a few weeks apart. Maintenance sessions can then be scheduled to maintain your new look.

It’s common for skin to be hot and somewhat irritated right after this treatment, kind of like having a sunburn. You may experience redness and mild swelling, so it’s a good idea to take the rest of the day off. Just like with any laser treatment, including CO2, IPL, and Candela GMax, you should avoid the sun for a few days after your treatment and moisturize the treated area regularly. A laser treatment is the perfect time to upgrade your at-home skin care routine to include medical-grade moisturizers and sunscreens.

Optimizing Results

The better you care for your skin, the longer results from treatments like laser skin rejuvenation will last. You can also pair lasers with other treatments, such as a HydraFacial or Botox. Mixing and matching treatments usually yields the best results, as can mixing and matching in-office treatments with proper at-home care. We can work together to identify the best laser for you and develop an individualized regimen so you can achieve all of your skin care goals in 2023. A consultation is the place to start.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the lasers and other treatments available in our medical day spa, schedule your consult today. Contact Parson Skin Center by calling the office or completing the online contact form today.