Don’t Pop that Botox Bubble

Don’t Pop that Botox Bubble | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Don’t Pop that Botox Bubble

Recently, a TikTok video went viral when a woman claimed she popped what she thought was a pimple after getting Botox—but it was actually a Botox bubble. Parson Skin Center has Botox as the most popular treatment (of course), which erases lines and wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause them. Botox has been a staple procedure for men and women alike for decades, and there are some common best practices and aftercare tips to follow. A reputable medispa will make sure you know exactly what to do (and not do) following your appointment. This is especially true for first-timers, but a good clinic will make sure even veteran Botox users take care of their Botox.

“Botox bubbles” don’t happen to everyone every time, and they are nothing to worry about. They can look like a pimple breakout, but go away within a few hours. Still, if you’re prone to Botox bubbles or worried about getting them, it’s a good idea to schedule your Botox 24 – 48 hours before a big event. Botox bubbles can be caused by swelling due to minor trauma (i.e. the injection) or can be created by Botox sitting below the skin’s surface before it is fully absorbed by the muscle. Either way, it is subtle, won’t last long—and should never be touched.

Not to Burst Your Bubble, But…

According to the TikToker, she went to pop a pimple but instead her Botox “leaked out.” The reel has been viewed millions of times. She explains, “I have made the most expensive mistake ever because I popped a pimple that was not a pimple after my Botox appointment … I think the Botox leaked out of my face, and now look.” She then raised her eyebrows and pointed to the alleged spot near her temple. The area did, indeed, appear to have more wrinkles than other areas of her forehead, but there’s an issue with that: Botox takes a few days to take effect. She should still be able to wrinkle all parts of her face.

So, was that actually a Botox bubble she popped? Probably not. Plus, it’s impossible to know when the user popped the “pimple” and how soon it was after getting injections. In most cases, Botox diffuses around 1 centimeter from where it is injected and won’t form a lump under the skin. Most cases of Botox bubbles are actually just target swelling (similar to a temporary lump that may form when you get any kind of injection). However, if the user did in fact try to pop a pimple right after getting Botox injections, that’s one of the biggest “don’ts” a person can make.

Botox Aftercare

If you’ve ever had Botox before, you know you shouldn’t touch the treated area for at least four hours after the procedure. This gives Botox time to “settle.” It’s unlikely you’ll be able to actually squeeze out Botox, but you may be able to move it to areas that you don’t want treated. Of all the Botox aftercare instructions, not touching the area is the most important—and you certainly shouldn’t squeeze the injection area.

Other best practices included avoiding sweating for one day after your injections and not lying down for four hours after the treatment. Aftercare is pretty simple and a great excuse to take it easy for 24 hours. Still, TikTok being TikTok, there were some commenters who claimed the same thing happened to them. So, play it safe. Follow the instructions for your aftercare. And for the best injectable experience, only work with a medical day spa where injectors are skilled, knowledgeable, and committed to helping you get the best results possible.

It’s Botox season now that spring is in full swing. If you’re looking to turn back the clock as you plan for those summer vacations, right now is the best time to opt for injectables. Combining Botox with fillers tackles two of the most common signs of aging: wrinkles and lost volume. Connect with Parson Skin Center today to schedule your injectable appointment by calling the office or completing the online contact form.