Mommy Makeover

You’ve likely been looking in the mirror, and all you see is mommy makeover, breast augmentation, or a tummy tuck. If you have decided that your family is complete, and you find yourself discouraged with your body, why not consider what millions of women do every year - A mommy makeover! Included In A Mommy Makeover Surgery The surgery called a mommy makeover is a combination of surgical procedures that are targeted to solve your particular concerns....

When your skin has been stretched so far that it is unreasonable to expect it to “return to normal,”  it may be time to think about a tummy tuck with liposuction. In fact, these days one is rarely done without the other. After the childbearing years most women have changes to their abdomen that just cannot be fixed with diet and exercise. Expect Amazing Results With You Combine Tummy Tuck with Liposuction In years gone by, these...

Let's face it, whenever anything becomes popular, such as mommy makeovers, people get interested. They don't want to be left out, they want to be in on “the next big thing.” Kind of human nature, I presume. In the last 10 years women's attitudes towards cosmetic surgery has done a 180. They love their children, but not what having them has done to their bodies. They are not afraid to acknowledge that they may need a...

A Mommy Makeover procedure typically addresses both the abdomen and the breasts. A woman can increase breast fullness as well as lift the breasts to their pre-pregnancy position. In terms of the abdomen, the loose skin is removed and the abdominal wall muscles are brought back to their pre-pregnancy location. Dr. Shaun Parson will listen to your specific concerns and goals and together you will draft a Mommy Makeover plan that is best for your personal...