Why Celebs Love Morpheus8

Why Celebs Love Morpheus8 | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Why Celebs Love Morpheus8

Why settle for one treatment when you can get two at the same time? That’s what Morpheus8 offers, the revolutionary skin tightening treatment that celebs like Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson can’t get enough of. Now available at Parson Skin Center, even though Morpheus8 is often called a skin tightening treatment, it does so much more. Kim Kardashian shared her experience on Instagram in 2022, calling it a “game changer” while Simpson calls it her “saving grace.” So, what is it, and exactly what does it do?

Morpheus8 is a treatment that kick-starts collagen production by targeting the area below the skin’s surface. Both the face and body can be the focus of a Morpheus8 treatment, which works over time to reveal a more youthful, radiant, clearer appearance. Morpheus8 has two different handpieces, one for the body and one for smaller areas. It also comes with a Burst Mode, an auto-generator of radiofrequency (RF) energy that can delve into various depths below the skin’s surface. It’s delivered via specialized microneedling needles, that allow you to enjoy the benefits of microneedling and radiofrequency simultaneously. However, the needles in Morpheus8 go deeper than any other microneedling technology so you can more collagen induction and better results.

What You Get with Morpheus8

How long a session takes depends on the area(s) being treated. Most facial procedures take just 15 minutes while the abs take about 20. This makes it a quick and easy procedure to fit into your lunch hour. The results of the procedure are not immediate since it’s a collagen induction therapy, but you will start to see some improvements about one month after your treatment. It can take weeks for full results to appear, so taking progress photos is a good idea.

Morpheus8 is known for minimizing acne scars, fading away stretch marks, helping with smoothing and contouring, as well as skin lightening and tightening. The micro-lesions created with the needles “tell” the body to start producing more collagen in that area and speed up the recovery period. The lesions are controlled, which means there is virtually no downtime and you can get right back to your day after the treatment. Microneedling in the traditional manner is similar, but the pairing of RF energy takes collagen production to the next level.

Is Morpheus8 for You?

Just like regular microneedling or RF therapy, most people will need multiple sessions to get the best results. However, unlike traditional microneedling, it doesn’t need to be monthly. On average, the best results come from 1 – 3 initial sessions with maintenance appointments every few months. One of the biggest perks of Morpheus8 is that it can be used on all skin tones and types. If you have darker skin, there’s no risk of hypopigmentation (which is not the case with all treatments, like some lasers). However, those with open lesions, such as from acne, should wait until the skin is healed before getting Morpheus8.

Most people tolerate Morpheus8 well, but since the needles go deeper than regular microneedling, a numbing cream is used prior to the treatment. This ensures the best experience, even at higher RF energy levels. There are rarely any side effects with Morpheus8, though you may appear red or pink for a few hours after your treatment. You’ll want to schedule Morpheus8 sessions at least one week before a big event just to make sure you have time to let any temporary side effects subside.

Older clients might require more sessions (3) since their collagen production has slowed down. Younger patients, like those in their 20s, are often happy with results after just one treatment. You can also combine Morpheus8 with other in-office procedures and treatments, such as a facial, and of course it’s a great complement to medical-grade skin care products used during your at-home regimen. If you’d like to learn more about Morpheus8 and the many other treatment options for skin tightening, get in touch with Parson Skin Center today. Call the office to schedule a consultation or appointment, or simply complete the online contact form now for the fastest response.