Why Just Build Muscle When You Can Also Burn Fat?

Why Just Build Muscle When You Can Also Burn Fat? | Dr. Shaun Parson

Why Just Build Muscle When You Can Also Burn Fat?

Today’s ideal aesthetic for men and women alike includes toned muscles and less fat in key areas. Traditionally, building muscle and burning fat were two different strategies with a little overlap—but that’s no longer the case with Emsculpt NEO. Parson Skin Center is home to the latest Emsculpt technology from BTL. Emsculpt (the original) was the revolutionary technology that forces muscles into 20,000 supramaximal contractions in 30 minutes. To your body, that’s the same as performing 20,000 perfect bicep curls, ab crunches, squats, or another common muscle-building exercise. After all, it’s those contractions that cause precise muscle tear (and in turn growth). It turns out you don’t actually have to spend hours at the gym and risk injury for flawless supramaximal contractions.

However, that’s not to say the Emsculpt or Emsculpt NEO are alternatives to workouts. Actually, an initial series of sessions are typically 4 – 6 appointments spaced 4 weeks apart. It’s a great complement to a gym routine, can help set a healthy foundation for a new regimen, or can help you break through workout plateaus. After your initial series, maintenance appointments every six months are ideal for most people. Just like in the gym, results are not immediate, either. Muscles take time to grow and there’s no fast track for that. After supramaximal contractions are complete, controlled trauma/tears in the muscles heal in the days and weeks following the session. This is when muscle strength and growth actually occur and why diet is so important. In particular, BCAA and protein consumption are a must during this period. BCAA helps protect muscles and minimize DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) while protein feeds the muscles and helps them get bigger and stronger.

The Problem with “Just” Muscle Growth

Increasing muscle mass is important for both looks and your health. Once we reach the age of 30, sarcopenia sets in. This is age-related muscle loss and it speeds up with every decade. Muscles protect our skeleton and keep us healthy, independent, and mobile when we get into our golden years. However, if you’re after muscle growth largely for the looks of it, no judgement! But this is going to require a reduction in the fat that covers those muscles. If you’ve long resigned yourself to the idea that there’s no such thing as spot reduction, Emsculpt NEO changes all of that.

Emsculpt NEO combines the muscle-building technology of the original Emsculpt with radiofrequency (RF) tech. RF can actually burn away and dissolve fat at the same time that muscles are growing. Once these fat cells are dissolved*, they are gone for good—but Emsculpt is not a “weight loss” procedure. Rather, it is a means of contouring and sculpting the body. The best candidates for any Emsculpt procedure are close to their ideal weight but struggling to take fitness to the next level. Emsculpt NEO can effectively burn away small amounts of fat that cover the muscles so that you can better show off your results. This is unlike anything you can achieve with diet or exercise alone, since these old school techniques can’t target where fat is lost (if you lose any at all).

Emsculpt and Summer

Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO require no downtime or recovery. The treatment is totally non-invasive. However, you should prepare yourself. After all, undergoing Emsculpt NEO is exactly the same as doing 20,000 reps in the gym. You’re going to be sore and that’s a sign that it’s working. DOMS can be minimized by drinking BCAA water before, during, and after your treatment, but can’t be avoided entirely. If you have a special event or vacation coming up, it’s a good idea to schedule your first Emsculpt session well before or after it. Otherwise, you’ll be struggling with some serious soreness when you should be enjoying yourself.

Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO can be safely used on men and women of all ages and abilities. Contraindications are rare when it comes to Emsculpt NEO, but do remember that the best and most visible results are on those who are at a healthy weight. However, if you’re interested in this technology to kick-start your fitness regimen and weight-loss/muscle-building journey, Emsculpt is a great option, too! It helps prepare the body for a healthier lifestyle by giving you the necessary starting point. Find out more about the Emsculpt technology by scheduling a consultation with Parson Skin Center today. Call the office or complete the online form for the fastest response.