Circumferential Body Lifts Take Tummy Tucks to the Next Level

Tummy Tucks That Are Next Level | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Circumferential Body Lifts Take Tummy Tucks to the Next Level

Most people know what a tummy tuck is, and a lot of people want one. At Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, we’re committed to providing patients with the results they want, and a lot of times a Scottsdale body lift is a better approach.

Tummy tucks exclusively target the anterior (front) of the body. While the exact location and length of the incision will vary slightly person to person. Did you know tummy tuck incisions are often similar to a C-section incision? They can span hip bone to hip bone with the incision hidden below the beltline.

What Do Tummy Tucks Do?

Tummy tucks remove excess skin from the belly area while tightening and strengthening abdominal muscles. Some clients pair a tummy tuck with liposuction to permanently remove any lingering, stubborn fat. However, not everyone has sagging skin just in the belly area. Sagging glutes can make a person feel just as self-conscious, and that’s where a Scottsdale body lift can be appropriate.

Who Should Get A Tummy Tuck?

If you have excess skin both in the front and back of the body, a circumferential body lift can lift, tone, and tighten all the way around. The incisions are still hidden below the beltline, so patients can go shirtless or wear bikinis with confidence. Today, there’s more focus on the glutes as a favorite body part to contour and sculpt than ever before. No amount of squats or lunges can vanquish sagging skin in the glute, lower back, and upper thigh area. This can only be achieved with a body lift.

There are many reasons a person might have sagging skin in the front or back, from weight fluctuations to pregnancy or simply genetics. If you avoid low-cut jeans or never wear a swimsuit without a long tee-shirt or coverup, you likely feel self-conscious about areas beyond the tummy as well.

Rebuild Your Confidence With A Tummy Tuck

If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, it’s important to understand all of your options so you can achieve the look and confidence you deserve. Contact Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center and schedule your Scottsdale body lift consultation today.