Sculptra Makes List of “Hottest Trends in Medical Beauty Procedures for 2023”

Sculptra Makes “Hottest Trends in Medical Beauty Procedures”

Sculptra Makes List of “Hottest Trends in Medical Beauty Procedures for 2023”

Sculptra, a type of collagen induction injectable, just made a News24 list of the hottest procedures for 2023—and at Parson Skin Center we couldn’t agree more. Unlike hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, the most popular and common type of dermal filler, Sculptra is a collagen bio-stimulator that tells your body to produce more of its own collagen. Collagen is the building block for plump, youthful skin but we make less of it naturally as we get older. With Sculptra and the other few, rare injectables, you won’t get immediate results but you’ll get what many people consider even more natural results that last longer. You aren’t “filling” the target site with a synthetic form of HA, but rather directing your body to start making more of its own collagen, pronto.

Fillers have been in high demand for many years. They are one of the most popular minimally invasive treatments performed, but few people are aware of the power of Sculptra. It is the first and only FDA-approved injectable made of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) designed to bring back facial fullness and volume. Results can last up to two years after the last injection. It’s suitable for all skin tones and types and works with the inner structure of your face. If you’re experiencing age-related volume loss, you can smooth out wrinkles and smile lines to achieve a more youthful look with Sculptra.

Sculpting with Sculptra

Most clients require a series of around three treatments spaced three weeks apart for optimal results. Just like with HA fillers, little to no downtime is required. Even better, since you’re not actually filling your face with a filler that will take up space, there is even less swelling than what you may experience with HA fillers. However, it’s recommended that you don’t workout for 24 hours after your injection.

Those who most often request Sculptra are looking for natural-looking and long-term results. Those in their 30s and early 40s are especially fond of Sculptra, but it can technically be used on anyone. These are the years when you first see real signs of volume and collagen loss, though it has actually been occurring for many years. For younger patients, you can amp up current volume (as many people, especially those who are slender, want to avoid a gaunt appearance). Those who are middle-aged with notable volume loss can be helped by HA fillers, but that’s a band-aid approach. Sculptra actually addresses the root cause of volume loss, which is a lack of collagen. It’s ideal for those who want to tackle the problem at the core and from the inside out.

Is Sculptra for You?

Sculptra goes deep, stimulating natural collagen production at the foundation. It provides a solid framework to smooth out facial lines and wrinkles. Calling Sculptra a filler is a bit of a misnomer, but that’s the family of treatments that it is often placed into. Technically, you are “filling” the target site with PLLA, but this composition doesn’t give you HA results. Instead, it goes to work instructing your body where and when to make more collagen. Sculptra can be used in those who have healthy immune systems. It is especially effective for treating nasolabial folds and other wrinkles in the face.

Unlike some other fillers, like HA fillers, Sculptra requires a unique injection technique and should only be administered by those who are experts and highly trained in Sculptra. Otherwise, you risk subpar results such as overcorrection. Also, unlike HA fillers, Sculptra results cannot be “reversed” since it depends on collagen induction. If there is overcorrection from a poorly trained injector, you will just need to ride out the results—and there is no need to put yourself in that situation. Plus, there is a small risk of Sculptra getting injected into a blood vessel if you do not go with a trusted provider, which can cause serious and life-threatening complications like embolisms and infarction. At Parson Skin Center, we make it easy to find a trusted provider for Sculptra and other filler injections. Contact us today by calling Parson Skin Center to schedule your consult or appointment with a Sculptra expert.