Pregnancy After a Tummy Tuck

Pregnancy After a Tummy Tuck | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Pregnancy After a Tummy Tuck

A lot of women think they need to wait until they’re sure they’ve finished having children to get a tummy tuck, but that isn’t true. At Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, we work with many women who plan to have future children but still want a tummy tuck now. After all, why wait to get the body you want and deserve? Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck does a lot more than remove excess skin from the stomach. If you’ve already had children, you know that skin laxity in this area is one of the most embarrassing conditions—and there’s nothing diet and exercise can do to fix it. However, post-partum, your rectus abdominus (the “six-pack”) is also often spread apart. This allows for a weakening of the abdominal wall called rectus diastasis.

A non-cosmetic procedure to repair this works by suturing the rectus muscles back together. But did you know this also takes place as part of a tummy tuck? This part of a tummy tuck stabilizes the abdominal wall and creates a strong base for the lumbopelvic muscles. In turn, this helps with urinary function and digestion. There are numerous issues related to separated rectus muscles, such as exacerbation of lower back pain. In other words, if you get a tummy tuck, you’re going to enjoy many more benefits than just a taut and flat tummy.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting (after a Tummy Tuck)

There are no inherent safety concerns with getting pregnant after a tummy tuck. However, there are some considerations to take into account. If a tummy tuck is “too tight,” pregnancy can be uncomfortable (but not dangerous). For women who were also pregnant before a tummy tuck, a post-tuck pregnancy is probably going to feel different. The skin of your mid-section is going to feel tighter. It is also best to wait at least one year after your tummy tuck to get pregnant, if possible. It can take several months for abdominoplasty to fully heal, even though it will look healed much sooner. Otherwise, there are increased risks such as hematomas or infection, but that is only the case when getting pregnant soon after a tummy tuck.

Another risk if you get pregnant too soon after a tummy tuck is the potential separation of the rectus muscles (again) or the causing of more striae (stretch marks) than would be expected if you wait. Also, bear in mind that just because you’ve had a tummy tuck doesn’t mean your body (stomach) will “snap back” better after the next pregnancy. Nobody can predict the snapback, and it’s possible you may desire another tummy tuck after your pregnancy. This is why some women wait—but others want to get the body they want now. Ultimately, the decision is going to be up to you and your doctor.

Time for a Tuck?

You can’t guess how the abdomen will look after pregnancy, whether you’ve had a tummy tuck or not. What we do know is that we produce less and less collagen as we age, so the odds of the skin stretching out get higher with every year. The good news is that those who have a tummy tuck before getting pregnant might not need a full second tuck in the future. Instead, a limited revision might be all that is needed. Tummy tucks hold up surprisingly well and a small revision is going to call for much less downtime.

If you’re thinking about getting a tummy tuck, don’t let the thought of a future pregnancy be the reason to put this surgery on pause. If you start the process right now, you’ll be able to show off a gorgeous swimsuit body by summer. By then, all residual swelling should be gone and the incision will have started to lighten. You’ll also be able to undergo some laser skin rejuvenation (if desired) to help speed up the healing process and soothe remaining stretch marks. To find out more about tummy tucks and other options available at Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, give us a call or complete the online contact form now.