Having Kids After a Mommy Makeover Surgery

Kids After a Mommy Makeover Surgery | Dr. Shaun Parson Scottsdale

Having Kids After a Mommy Makeover Surgery

Being pregnant is a wonderful feeling, but your body doesn’t feel so beautiful immediately afterward. And you debate how you will ever reclaim your pre-pregnancy body.

A mommy makeover – a combination of procedures that may include a breast lift, breast augmentation, and tummy tuck – can help. In fact, many plastic surgeons specialize in this combination of procedures. For best results, it is recommended that you have this done when your pregnancy days are over. However, more and more women are having the procedure done and then continuing to have more kids. How does this affect the body?

Why Choose a Mommy Makeover First?

Some women want the benefits of a Mommy Makeover before they even have kids. This can make them look more attractive and therefore more likely to attract men and get married. Then they have kids down the road.

In other cases, many women think they are done having kids, but sometimes life has other plans. They change their mind after having the Mommy Makeover.

Plastic surgeons recommend that you be completely done with kids before considering a Mommy Makeover. However, it’s perfectly fine to have kids later on. There are no safety issues involved. Simply recognize that pregnancy can alter the result of your Mommy Makeover and make an informed decision. If another child is possible within the next few years, you may want to wait. However, if you’re pretty sure that another pregnancy won’t be in the picture for quite some time, then go forward with a Mommy Makeover and enjoy a flatter tummy and perkier breasts now.

Mommy Makeover Consultation with Parson Skin Center in Scottsdale

Dr. Shaun Parson is a board certified plastic surgeon skilled in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Serving Scottsdale and the surrounding areas, he has an excellent reputation. Call Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery at (480) 282-8386 to set up an informative consultation session to see if a Mommy Makeover is right for you.