Why Go “Back to Normal,” When You Can Go Forward to Better with a Tummy Tuck?

Go Forward to Better with a Tummy Tuck | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

Why Go “Back to Normal,” When You Can Go Forward to Better with a Tummy Tuck?

Most people were surprised when requests for plastic surgery surged during the pandemic—except for plastic surgeons, including Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center. There are a number of reasons people put off having cosmetic surgery during so-called “normal times” and this can go on for so long that suddenly you find yourself living in a body that doesn’t make you happy for years or even decades. One of the most common reasons people put off plastic surgery is because they simply don’t have the time to recover (and a good recovery is essential for your safety and results). Another reason is that they don’t want to “advertise” that they’ve had something done, and an aggressive procedure like a tummy tuck is tough to hide. People might not automatically know or assume that you’ve had a tummy tuck, but it will be clear that you’re recovering from something in the days following the procedure if you see people in person.

Neither of these concerns are an issue during a pandemic. You have plenty of time to recover in the comfort of your own home. Nobody expects you to be attending social events or, in many cases, coming to work in person. You can attend Zoom calls, if necessary, right after a tummy tuck and nobody will have a clue. However, this unprecedented time to treat yourself is coming to a close. As vaccines roll out, there’s a very good chance we’ll be “back to normal” at some point in 2021. You will begin traveling again, seeing much-missed friends in person, and likely returning to an in-person work environment.

The perfect window to get that tummy tuck is coming to a close, but you still have time to take advantage of it.

Your Post-COVID Debut

You’ve probably seen the memes about people emerging from the pandemic either looking much worse for wear or like a gorgeous butterfly—we can help you attain the latter. There is some truth to this meme (as there is in most jokes), but the good news is that you’re in total control of which end of the spectrum you fall on. Plus, you’ll be in good company. Many people are using the pandemic to treat themselves to procedures they’ve always wanted. Others have used COVID as a time for self-reflection and come to realize that bettering themselves is well-deserved. Numerous studies have shown that plastic surgeries have the capacity to improve your self-esteem and self-confidence along with your looks.

A number of celebrities have also opted for cosmetic surgery in the past 11 months (yes, it’s really been 11 months now). Most of us have ventured out into non-essential territory since last March, whether it was going to the grocery store when you could have had items delivered or splurging on a haircut. However, the safest place you could possibly go is your surgeon’s office. Here, you can trust that the best safety and hygienic practices are always being followed. Plus, there’s only a handful of places that are cleaner and more sanitary than an operating room. You know everyone in the clinic is highly knowledgeable about proper hygiene and personal security during a pandemic. In short, there’s little to worry about when considering cosmetic surgery during COVID.

Treating Yourself Right: Consider A Tummy Tuck

If you’ve been thinking about a tummy tuck, schedule a consultation today because time is running out for the best possible recovery period ever. Tummy tucks are often paired with liposuction or can be part of other surgeries (like a mommy makeover). The procedure removes excess skin from the stomach while tightening the abdominal muscles. It’s also the procedure for diastasis recti. You can achieve a flat, taut tummy following pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or the damage aging causes to your body—and that’s something that no amount of exercise or clean eating can get for you.

Call Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today at (480) 282-8386 to schedule your tummy tuck consultation.