
Build Collagen with Microneedling

Microneedling has long been one of the most requested treatments because it’s all-natural. It works by harnessing the body’s natural ability to heal and produce collagen to battle a number of skin concerns. It is a fantastic add-on treatment to virtually any other treatment, but can also be a great standalone option. Microneedling was invented well over a century ago by a German dermatologist for treatment of keratosis, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. However, it didn’t really catch on until 1996 when plastic surgeons realized how well it reduced facial scar tissue while also encouraging collagen production.

The concept of microneedling is fairly simple. When our skin experiences trauma, the body quickly responds by rushing blood filled with collagen-producing cells to injured site. Collagen is what naturally makes our skin dewy, plump, and youthful—but we produce less and less of it as we age. Microneedling encourages the body to start producing more collagen at the exact treatment spot.

The Facts of Microneedling

Don’t let the name intimidate you. Yes, microneedling uses needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, but the needles are so tiny that the procedure is not painful. It is more often described as feeling like a light dermabrasion, as if a very mild sandpaper is being glided over the skin.

In the past 100+ years, the techniques and tools used for microneedling have been perfected. You only want a medical-grade microneedling device used on your skin, and steer clear of any so-called “microneedling” devices you might see for sale online or in stores. Only skin care professionals have access to genuine microneedling tools that are up to the standards needed for safe and effective results. Medical-grade devices are equipped with needles of just the right length and width to achieve stunning results without truly harming the skin.

Microneedling Results You Can Trust

You will see some mild results after the treatment, but this is typically from the skin experiencing a flush of blood to the treatment site. It will take some time for collagen to actually be produced, which means that clients see improvements in results in the weeks following the treatment. However, just like collagen that would be produced without any encouragement, this collagen won’t stay forever.

Microneedling is considered a routine treatment. Many clients schedule maintenance sessions every few weeks or months in order to maintain results. The right microneedling schedule ensures that your skin continues to produce collagen where you want it, making your skin look more youthful, brighter, and radiant.

Microneedling can treat a wide variety of skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and general skin laxity and dullness.

Microneedling Results You Can Trust

You will see some mild results after the treatment, but this is typically from the skin experiencing a flush of blood to the treatment site. It will take some time for collagen to actually be produced, which means that clients see improvements in results in the weeks following the treatment. However, just like collagen that would be produced without any encouragement, this collagen won’t stay forever.

Microneedling is considered a routine treatment. Many clients schedule maintenance sessions every few weeks or months in order to maintain results. The right microneedling schedule ensures that your skin continues to produce collagen where you want it, making your skin look more youthful, brighter, and radiant.

Microneedling can treat a wide variety of skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and general skin laxity and dullness.

FAQs About Microneeding

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Microneedling | Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center | Scottsdale, Arizona
Microneedling | Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery and Skin Center | Scottsdale, Arizona

Microneedling, Patient Before/After Photos*

Is there any downtime?

Is there any downtime? Not really. You might look a little flushed directly after treatment, as if you spent your lunch hour in the sun. However, there is no post-care needed and you can get right back to your daily activities.

What does microneedling pair best with?

What does microneedling pair best with? You can add microneedling on to most treatments. It works especially well prior to a HydraFacial because it “opens up” the skin so that the HydraFacial’s custom serums can penetrate even better and deeper. Botox and dermal fillers are also routinely paired with microneedling.


Can anyone get microneedling?

Can anyone get microneedling? Yes! Microneedling is effective on all skin tones and types. The only client who may need to delay microneedling is one who has open sores on the face. However, the vast majority of clients are great candidates for this treatment.

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Schedule Your Microneedling Appointment Today

To schedule your microneedling session, book online right now. We will work with you to determine your goals and can also help you create a custom routine schedule to make microneedling part of your regular self-care routine.

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Schedule Your Microneedling Appointment Today

To schedule your microneedling session, book online right now. We will work with you to determine your goals and can also help you create a custom routine schedule to make microneedling part of your regular self-care routine.