A Tummy Tuck for Diastasis Recti

A Tummy Tuck for Diastasis Recti | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

A Tummy Tuck for Diastasis Recti

Most people think a tummy tuck is reserved for men and women who have excess, sagging belly skin but that’s just one condition a tummy tuck treats. At Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center, many post-partum women struggling with diastasis recti are also tummy tuck patients. This very common condition occurs when a gap in the abdominal muscles appears from the stomach stretching during pregnancy. The end result is a small, round pooch that is evident even months or years after childbirth. Unfortunately, diastasis recti is almost always considered a cosmetic condition and therefore treating it is not covered by insurance.

The majority of women try exercise to improve the appearance of diastasis recti, but this approach is rarely effective. You may have been told to try pelvic tilts, single-leg stretches, ab compressions, toe taps, or any other number of exercises. This can certainly help to strengthen the core, but these exercises can also be dangerous for people with this condition. If you notice that your belly “domes up” in the middle when trying these exercises, stop doing them. It could actually make the diastasis recti worse.

Why a Plastic Surgery for a Medical Condition?

We won’t delve into the inherent biases of why a surgery necessary for a common condition almost exclusively reserved for post-partum women is not considered medical right now. What we can do is offer help for women with moderate to severe diastasis recti who have not found improvement with well-guided exercises and physical therapy.

Any person can be a good candidate for a tummy tuck, whether you’re considering the procedure strictly for cosmetic reasons or because your diastasis recti is truly problematic. The condition is considered problematic when the gap is a minimum of two centimeters, which is about two finger-widths. Another and equally valid sign of problematic diastasis recti is if it’s painful. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter much if you’re thinking about a tummy tuck for functional or cosmetic reasons, but for those who are thinking along the functional lines it’s important to consider post-operative pain and healing, too.

A Tummy Tuck and Diastasis Recti

Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck repairs diastasis recti and is fully customized to each patient. Some women strictly need their abdominal muscles tightened, which can be achieved through a relatively less invasive type of tummy tuck called an endoscopic-assisted modified tuck. The incision required for this type of tummy tuck is sometimes called a “bikini line” because it’s hidden right below the beltline. In these types of tummy tucks, sometimes a very small amount of excess skin is also removed. However, this tummy tuck does not require an additional incision around the belly button or the creation of a “new” belly button since not much skin (if any) is trimmed.

Other tummy tucks to treat diastasis recti are more aggressive. If a woman has separated muscles and a lot of excess skin, she may require a more involved approach. When a certain amount of skin is removed, the belly button also needs to be repositioned. This really means that a new belly button is created during surgery and placed in a natural-looking position on the stomach.

Recovering from a Tummy Tuck

Since all tummy tucks (even mini tucks!) are an in-depth surgery, the recovery period can take a while. Limited mobility is common for up to two weeks and heavy lifting or rigorous exercise should be stopped for 5 – 6 weeks. Swelling and bruising is common after surgery, and the incision scar (often hip bone to hip bone) will take some time to flatten, lighten, and fade. This means patients will need ample help the first couple of weeks after surgery, particularly if they are recently post-partum and caring for young children.

However, once a tummy tuck heals, the results are phenomenal. Ab muscles are strengthened and tightened and any excess skin is completely removed. Women with diastasis recti enjoy renewed core strength and the ability to partake in pre-pregnancy activities with a rejuvenated confidence. If you’re considering a tummy tuck, whether for diastasis recti or simply to achieve a taut stomach, connect with Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center today by calling (480) 282-8386.